The engagement had gone smoothly and I had successfully asked Colin about granting me two days leave to attend the wedding in Paris. In simple words it sounded like "The patients coming to visit me will be redirected to someone else working over here and the hospital would be having twice as many unhappy customers, but you have to handle it anyways"

Though I didn't say it that way and spoke ever so politely to my boss, he must have heard it that way but, Colin being Colin, was kind enough to give me that leave.

It was the day we had to fly to Paris. Dan had booked a cab and I was done with packing the smallest bag I could find. Jake was still trying to fit in his second pair of shoes in his bag when there was a car honk outside the door. "He's two minutes early!" I heard a complaint from Jake who was now sitting on his bag and trying to close the zip. "Why do you need another pair of shoes anyways?" I asked, getting to the door.

"It's Paris, I can't just walk around in the same pair" he said when I saw Dan wave from the taxi stationed outside. I didn't hear whatever else Jake said but it was something about cute girls. I rolled my eyes to myself on exiting the house.

"All set?" Dan asked, getting out. "Pretty much, Jake's inside" I said, keeping my bag in the boot of the car. "I'm here" Jake was closing the door to lock it. "Great let's go" Dan said and opened the back door for me and Jake and then got in the front seat next to the driver.

On meeting everyone and after the check in, we were seated in the waiting area for the gates to open. "This is boring, can we go see some duty free items" I suggested to the girls. "It's hella' expensive" Kam said. "I said 'see' not 'buy'" I told. "Sure" she then smiled and agreed.

The watches, perfumes, rings all looked so good but tremendously expensive. "If all these prices are claimed to be duty free, I wonder what they'll charge with duty" Mel said aloud, earning an awkward glance from a saleswoman. But if it affected Mel, well, she wasn't Mel then.

In minutes I got a missed call and I turned to look at where everyone was sitting, only to find Dan waving at me like I was his rescue ship on a stranded island. I got the signal, it was time we boarded the plane.

Without a moment to waste, we were in the queue, holding out our boarding passes. "I love France, Ma spent most of her life there" Dan told me as we entered the plane and sat down, me beside the window. "Cool, explains why you are so good at French" I smiled. "Yeah, she taught the both of us. Many times when we were upset with Dad, we used to go and talk to Ma in French. That used to get on his nerves" he grinned and I chuckled, picturing the scene.

"Excuse me sir, your welcome drink" a gorgeous air hostess held out two plastic cans and smiled at him, then at me. "Thanks" I said and reached out to take it when Dan took both the cans from her and gave the warmest of warm smiles. I only stared and folded my arms as his hand touched hers and she smiled even more.

As she left, I continued sitting there, my hands folded on front of me. "Here" he opened my tray table and placed it on that. "You could have given it in my hands" I stated. "Yeah, I mean I could have even put it in your coat pocket. There are many possibilities" he said while peeling off the cover from his own lemonade. "Yeah but giving it to me was the better option" I said but before he heard me, she was back.

I caught her name this time. 'Josephine Dubois' it read on her shiny name tag pinned perfectly on her blue blouse. "Sir, ma'am" she addressed us while presenting a tray with warm towels placed on it. Picking it with a tong like tool she gave us one each. "Thank you" I said but she was was caught on with Dan who had said "Merci"

"Je t’en prie" she responded with a beautiful smile as though they were childhood friends and went on with her job, completely forgetting me. "Wow" I said once she was gone. "Yeah she's beautiful right" Dan looked at me. "Sure she is, which explains why you were flirting with her" I gave him a glare. "I wasn't flirting, I was just being nice" he said in disbelief. "Yeah totally" I shifted my gaze to the window.

About You [COMPLETED] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora