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Lisa knew about everything I had experienced, even the account of recent events. I texted her more than I texted my parents. Hearing about my meeting with Dan, she wasn't very happy. Even more, she was ready to blast my brains away, if she could, through the phone.

"Serena, you are a freakin adult! How can you.."
"Not exactly an adult, more like a young lady, but you get the point" I interrupted.
"Okay miss young lady, how could you lie to the only boy you ever loved!" she screamed.
"Because I felt like?" I uttered softly, giving pauses to calm her down, but it didn't seem possible.

"Okay so now you 'feel' like breaking hearts?" she stressed out. "Lisa, I am reminding you for the fourth time that it was he who announced the existence of his girlfriend all of a sudden" I said.

"So? You should have just left, he would have thought that you felt depressed and would come back to you" she explained 'Lisa's law of returning relationships'.

"Come back to me? Ha, very funny. He has better stuff to do, like take care of that alcoholic friend of his" I grumbled. "I don't know what you plan on doing next but you guys have to get together" she said and cut the phone abruptly.

I wished the same but it was obviously not going to happen. We were just teens when I first fell for him, maybe it wasn't supposed to get that serious. Who knew something so drastic would happen.

Forgetting everything else, I went to bed after seeing the reminders of physics sir who wanted me to attend his first years class to speak a few words about the guest they were going to invite.

Morning came pretty soon, these days I just felt like I was getting up immediately after sleeping. There was no quality sleep time and I felt just as tired even after a night's rest.

Getting dressed in a formal black dress that reached my knees, I did some light makeup to conceal those dark circles and tiny spots on my cheek appearing due to a good lack of sleep. After driving to the university I was first met by our physics professor who ushered me in.

"Mayers you know what you are going to say right?" he asked me in his worried British accent. Normally, the heaviness of his tone was directly proportional to how worried he got.

"Yes sir, just that I don't know who exactly is coming. The director of physics cancelled her meeting with us at the last moment" I told.

"Oh we invited a space and technology researcher instead. It's a 'He' so make those changes in your welcome speech" he informed and I nodded. I hated speaking in front of many people but a welcome speech was fine as I just had to praise whoever was going to come and that was all. No facts to state as such.

"What's the name sir?" I asked referring to the guest. "I seem to have forgotten it but if you could wait I can ask and get back to you" he said and left in a hurry. I wondered how he could forget the name of the person he himself had invited.

The meeting hall was set up with a bouquet of flowers on the chief guest's table. I went up to the podium to practice what I had to say when Colin entered the room and looked up at me with a warm smile.

"Hello Dr. Halls" I said and smiled nervously. "Got a speech to deliver?" he asked with his hands folded across his chest. "Yes" I breathed out loudly. "It's okay, you'll do it" he assured and climbed up the platform where I stood.

"I wish the same" I told. "Dr. Mayers, you are one brilliant student, this shouldn't bother you" he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Colin, maybe you should reconsider what you said" I smiled. "I am not wrong about what I said. Speak like no one's watching" he advised and left before I could tell him about what I had said to Dan.

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