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"Wow" Lisa spoke first. "That was..."

"Unexpected" I completed her sentence making her nod in agreement. We silently took our own bags and headed for our next class, double chemistry!

I find chemistry super boring. Why?

One, due to the fact that nothing you learn in eleventh grade is useful in everyday life and two, our teacher acts stupid. I bet she herself doesn't understand what she teaches. You ask a doubt and boom, you turn into her least liked student for the very simple reason that you interrupted her when she was doing her valuable teaching and the whole class got disturbed. The theory part, the chemical equations, the chemical changes, that's all fine. What really get on my nerves are the numerical problems. I would easily prefer Ms.Blume to Ms.Keith, our chemistry teacher; atleast she's sure of what she teaches.

Being seated in the third row of seats, I was able to spot Daniel sitting in the front row. Throughout the course of the class he didn't look back at all, making me feel like I was missing on something. Double chemistry got over after what seemed like eons. Yawning and stretching my arms, I got up. Thankfully it was recess time. "Come on, let's get something good to eat" Lisa said reading my mind, which got us going to the school cafeteria. Thank God for people like her.

Getting our trays filled with food, we got seated on one of the corner tables, our usual spot from where we got a clear view of the entire cafeteria. It is from that very spot that I saw Daniel enter. By then, everybody knew he was the new guy in school. The girls looked up at him and displayed their fake cherry gloss smiles to show that they didn't mind sharing their table with him. But he did not even bother to look in their direction which somehow brought me satisfaction. The only thing those girls ever thought about is 'guys' and him not paying attention to them served them right.

He went up and sat at a table all alone. I immediately felt bad, felt it was my fault. "Um.. Lisa" I directed my question to her. "Was I too rude with him today morning?"

"Fo fus syme, pobabies" she spoke with her mouth full. "Liz, English please! And please chew and swallow before saying anything" I enlightened her with a lot of hand movements. "For a first time, probably yes" she repeated herself, clearer this time and went back to her hobby of munching and gulping. My reaction was instant. "Hey Daniel!" I called out to him making him come out of his thoughts and gaze in the direction of the sound. I walked up to him. "I'm sorry if I was rude in any way today. I absolutely had no intentions of being mean to anyone" I explained to him giving a guilty smile. He smiled back amiably, washing away a little of my guilt.

"You are welcome to share our table with us" I looked back at Lisa who waved to him. 

"Uh.." he faltered. "Please don't hesitate" I voiced my thoughts. 

"Okay I'll join you." And saying so he followed me back to my table with all of the girls' eyes on us.

"Hey I'm Lisa Roberts" Liz introduced herself. "Yeah we've met" he smiled and shook hands with her as I pulled one more chair from an empty table to accommodate the three of us. "About today morning, I'm really sorry" I started. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. "Oh that's alright" he said waving it off with his palms. "Maybe it was the bad start of being late to class that spoke, not you" he remarked. "Maybe" I considered the thought, feeling a lot better and lighter in the head.

"Wanna eat something?" I asked him. "God, yes! I'm starving" he responded, emphasizing on the last word. "Come on, I'll help you" I offered, tapping him on his shoulders. 

I got up, showed him around and when he had finally chosen what he wanted on his tray, we sat down again with Lisa busy finishing the contents of her tray. "So how did you find the school?" I asked him, taking the first bite of my sandwich. He looked around at the girls (some who were staring at him all the while), gave them a portion of his dimply smile and looked back at me and commented "Wonderful" as he winked. "Oh please, not these girls" I stated in an irritated tone. "They go behind any guy who is cute... according to their standards" I quickly added the last four words. "Don't tell me I didn't warn you" I said raising my hands in a 'hands-up' gesture.

"I know girls like them. Had loads of 'em back in Hillview" he said taking a mouthful of his apple, making an audible 'crunch' sound. 

"You came from Hillview!" I expressed, widening my eyes. Then realising I was too loud, I switched back to my normal tone. But the girls around us had already started chattering amongst themselves, probably making plans on how to trap a popular guy especially when he comes from one of the top highschools in the nation.

"Yes" he whispered like a top secret agent, confirming the statement I had made, which made me chuckle. "Then why did you come here?" I looked around, puzzled. "I mean I've heard Hillview's awesome!" I said with the same amount of enthusiasm. "You've heard it right" he said pausing to open a bottle of water and take a sip from it. "I had to come here because my uncle got a transfer" he continued. "You stay at your uncle's?" I asked.

"Yeah they raised me since I was a kid, since my parents died. They love me like real parents though" he told me. "I'm sorry" I said looking at him, then down at my feet. "Hey don't be, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything" he assured me with a genuine smile.

"Guys I'm alive" declared Lisa all of a sudden, waving out her hands in front of our faces. Clearly she had finished eating her food and re-entered the realm of humans. "If I'm not wrong, we have two minutes for next class" she reminded. "Hey Danny" she spoke addressing him "we'll talk sometime again, mostly after class when we won't have time deadlines." "Sure" he agreed, pulling a tissue and dabbing at his mouth. "And don't mind Ser" she told him as she poked me in my arm "She has a record of making the best of friends by first getting into fights. We both met that way too" she pointed at me and herself with her thumb.

"Him and I didn't fight!" I glared at her, speaking through gritted teeth, which made Daniel laugh. 

"Yeah Lisa, she just apologized to me for a countless times" he grinned like a Cheshire cat. 

"Anyways..we have class now" I tried changing the topic. "Excuse me, I have to use the washroom. We'll meet in class Daniel"  I said getting up and adjusting my top only to notice his sulking face. "What's wrong?" I enquired. "Aren't we friends now" he asked, making me realize I had called him 'Daniel'.

"Since we met in a special way, I'll be your special friend" I said pulling my lips into a one sided smile which always worked to give me a mysterious appearance. "All your friends call you Danny, what makes me unique? I'll call you Dan, just Dan" I declared.

"Just Dan" I heard him repeat as he smiled to himself.

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