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I was seated on a chair from the row of chairs meant for relatives or friends of the patient. Usually the hospital was my favourite place to be in, it meant that I could spend more time with her. I know, it sounded creepy to hear a reply like that. When I said I liked visiting the hospital people gave me stares as though I said I had caught the Flare. But that's the way it was; until today.

The journey till here was tough enough for the both of us. I have to admit that I couldn't pay full attention to the controls. I couldn't see what lay ahead not because of the fog but because of the mind's mist that obscured my thinking. My brain was pretty fogged up then.

"What's your greatest fear?" I could hear her voice in my head from 7 years back. We were at my place, sitting on the edge of the pool, our feet in the water. "I don't know. Hard question alert" I smiled. "Come on, not that hard" she splashed water on me. "Let me think" I said, pushing the water off my face. "Oh boy, that will take forever. You can think!?" she fell back laughing at her own words.

"Okay okay, it's losing any more of my loved ones. I don't think I'll be able to cope with that" I said seriously but couldn't help grinning at the same time looking at her snort. "Oh" she straightened up. "Yeah, what's yours?" I asked. "Mine?" she tilted her head in question like asking her the same thing was absurd.

"Pain" she said after after giving some time thinking about it. "Why?" I asked her. "Unbearable pain. Every other fear is different. The more you are exposed to it, the lesser it starts affecting you. At one point that fear doesn't bother you anymore. But pain's different. The more you experience it, the worse it gets, the worse you feel. You just realise how bad it can get and there's nothing you can do to stop it" she explained and I was listening intently at how much she already thought like an adult.

"Wow" I said in the end, amazed at her convincing ability. "Huh?" she asked, looking at me like I was some adorable pup, probably pitying my analytical skills. "When did you think about this?" I asked. "Just now" she smiled, removing her legs from the pool and crossing her feet to face me. "You are one heck of a person" I leaned my head back only to welcome another splash of water on my neck. "You are so not getting away with this" I cupped a large amount of water in my hands and ran behind her shrieking form.

I came out of my memory as though someone actually poured water down my shirt. The girl who feared pain lay inside the operation theatre to get a bullet removed from her body. I still couldn't believe how quick it had all happened.

Just recently she had me take out a small wooden splinter stuck in her finger, this time it was a metallic sphere lodged inside her. Maybe I was just over thinking as Matt's entrance lifted me from the chair. A trail of blood ran down his forehead. Other than that he seemed alright.

"Hey, how's she doing?" he asked first. "I don't know. No one's been out of that room yet" I replied. "I'm surprised you didn't crash into something on the way here" he smiled and gave me a hug. Hugs between brothers for emotional reasons were rare but always worked to make you feel better. "I'm not that bad at flying" I pulled away, denying his statement. "Yeah, only that when you fly it, I feel like I'm sitting on a camel" he grinned and I chuckled.

A nurse passing by gave us an angry glance and we shut our mouths. I looked back at the door when it opened and out came a doctor. A knot formed somewhere in my stomach. "How's she?" I asked, wanting to see her. "Lots of blood loss, would have been better if you would have come a little early" she said.

I let my mouth fall open as I couldn't contain the shock I was in. Did she mean...?

"She's in a steady state, but give her time" the doctor quickly added on realising the way she had given the news. "Oh thank you" I let out a huge sigh and sat down, my fingers locked below my chin. "When can we see her?" Matt asked, knowing well enough that it was exactly what I wanted to know.

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