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Ace, Kamille and I knocked and waited outside until we heard him. "Yeah you can come in" Dan said and we entered his room. "That's one beautiful room" Kam looked around in awe. "So all's well now?" Ace asked him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah" Dan replied looking at him. "Why did you go in when you didn't know how to swim!?" I asked a question which was on all of our minds.

"I just..." he looked down in what seemed like embarrassment. "Since you didn't come up for a long time, I thought something happened to you" he said. "I even asked Kam where you were" he said, remembering suddenly. "And Kam what did you say?" Ace asked her, raising his eyebrows. "I didn't hear him properly, I thought he was asking me when she'll come up, so I just shrugged" Kam gave her side of the explanation. "Wow" I said sarcastically. "And Dan you thought you could go in and save me?" I questioned with a frown. "I didn't think of the consequences then! I just did what first came to my mind. Chill guys, quit asking questions like some news reporters" Dan exclaimed with his hands raised in front of him. "I'm sorry" he then softened and looked at us. "It's alright Dan, but just consider thinking of the consequences in the future. You're alright and that's what's important" I said with an assuring smile.

"How is it that your brother is in the army and you don't know how to swim?" Kam asked curiously. She's got a point I thought and looked at Dan, expecting an answer. "I never tried learning" he confessed. "You see, my dad was in the army too, in the navy, but once there was a terrible storm and everyone on board drowned and died. I know it sounds dramatic but that's what happened and I was very small at that time. The incident left an impression on my young mouldable mind, I developed a certain kind of fear of the deep" Dan sighed and looked at us. "I'm really sorry Dan" I expressed. "Yeah we didn't know" Ace said while Kam nodded. "It's okay" Dan said "I'll make it a point to learn now." "Way to go Danny!" Kam's words of encouragement echoed in the room.

"I don't how to thank you Serena" Matt came up to me when I was leaving their house. "If it wasn't for you today.. I don't know; you were right in time" he said looking towards Dan's room and then back at me. "I would have done the same had it been anyone in place of Dan" I admitted. "I'm just happy that my trials actually worked! I have to thank Ms. Blume for those first aid classes" I gave a dry laugh. "Yeah you could almost pass for a professional. I'm sorry I couldn't reach on time, what's the use of me being in the army when I can't help my own brother" he said sadly. "It's fine Matt, Dan's alright" I tried comforting him. "Just promise me that you'll teach him how to swim" I told him. "Okay, I promise" he laughed back.

On reaching home, Kam spread the word of what had happened amongst everyone. "You actually saved him!" Lisa screamed with delight and surprise. "How I wish I was there to witness it" she said as I ate my food in silence. It was a tiring day and I just wanted to get a good sleep, but Lisa kept asking questions. "Can I go to sleep?" I asked her in the end. "Why are you always sleepy" she sulked. "I'll tell ya tomorrow" I said and went off to bed.

I awoke with Theo's phone call. "What is it" I asked groggily. If it had been a guy I was trying to impress, my tone would have changed immediately but this was just Theo, my best-est friend. I made no attempt to sound better, after all best friends don't judge right?

"You are still asleep!" I could hear the surprise in his voice more like he was saying 'Horses can fly!' "Am I not talking to you? Do you expect me talk in my sleep?" I asked, annoyed. First this person wakes me before my alarm, then he asks me why I was still asleep? "Ms. Mayers, have you forgotten about the science exhibition that's today?" he asked in his sweetest mocking voice. Shit I thought. "No no" I said sitting up and thinking how it slipped from my mind. "Just as I thought" he said "Gone swimming yesterday, all thoughts just got 'washed' off from your head right" he added. "How long do we have?" I asked him, looking at the time. "A whole thirty minutes" I could almost feel his smirk through the phone. He knew thirty minutes was a very short time for me to get ready for a school exhibition. "I'll be there" he said and cut the call.

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