11. the heartbreaker's a unicorn

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"Thank you for the food," I tell him once we're out of the hotel and turn to walk away but before I could even take a step, he holds onto my arm.

I turn back to meet his gaze, confused. What else does he want?

"What is it this time?" I asks, annoyed.

"Let's go on a date," he said, sending me a smile.

Never once in my life have I imagine going on a date with Kaden. But then again, I never thought I'll be his pretend girlfriend but here we are.

"You do realize, we're not actually dating right? It's all for show," I remind him. I watch as his smile slowly fades away as he lets go of my arm.

"Of course," he said and continue, "But we still should hang out more and get to know each other if we want people to believe that we're actually dating."

That does make sense. "Fair enough," I give in. "Where are we going?"

"What have you always wanted to do?" He questions.

I cross my arms and give it some serious thought. Something I've always wanted to do?


"You're gonna die!" I yell into the darkness.

"I'll like to see you try." I hear his voice from across the room.

Getting a feeling of where he's at, I quickly make my way closer towards him. I run to the nearest boulder and hide behind it.

We've been playing laser tag for about 10 minutes now. There's only 5 more minutes left and I have to get the last shot.

"Come out. Come out wherever you are," he taunt in a singing tone.

Judging from where his voice came from, I think he's behind the boulder in front of mine. I'll sneak up from behind him and get him.

Sounds like a plan to me.

Taking a deep breath, I quickly take a step away from the boulder and came face to face with Kaden.

Shocked, I stumble down onto the floor. I look up only to see him pointing his laser gun at me.

"You got me," I sigh, still on the floor.

He grin before bringing the laser gun to his side and reaching out for me.

With him off guard, I quickly grab my laser gun and shoot at him. I watch as he frown at my actions.

The lights comes on.

I was too excited to care. I jump up from the floor in excitement, screaming out in joy. I won!

"That's unfair. You cheated." Kaden mutter.

I turn to him, "You snooze, you lose." He shakes his head disapprovingly.

I watch as Kaden walks out of the room to put his vest and gun away. I follow behind with a grin permanently plastered on my face.

I take off my vest and put it away along with the gun then follow Kaden out of the room.

"Where to next?" Kaden asks. I look at him with excitement.


"I'm scared. Please don't let go." I beg Kaden, absolutely terrified.

He loosen his hold on me and let go causing me to scream out loud. He quickly reach for me and grab my hands again, laughing at my reaction.

I sneer at him, annoyed at his teasing.

I have never, in all 18 years of my life, ice skate before and it is absolutely terrifying.

The Heartbreaker Knows How to Love (#3)Where stories live. Discover now