Taking Care Of The Boys

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Michael: “What the hell are you guys doing?” You ask, walking into the hotel suite and nearly dropping the bags of groceries on the floor when you see the mess the boys had left. Michael was busy tackling Calum to the ground while Luke and Ashton held up score cards. “Uhh, we’re in trouble aren’t we?” Calum asked and you nodded and Calum laughed looking up at his best friend. “Guess who’s not getting laid anytime soon!” Michael quickly stood and backed away from his best friend and tried to give you an apologetic look to which you just shook your head. “Nope, he’s right Michael. Clean the mess up and then we’ll talk. It’s like living with toddlers with you guys, nothing less.” Laughter roared behind you and you heard something else break. “I am so not cleaning that up!”

Luke: “You cooked?” Luke asked and you nodded. “Yeah, i was on Pinterest all morning looking for recipes to cook for you guys for after the show and i thought you all would like this.” “It’s delicious.” Ashton commented and you smiled. “Thanks.” “I agree with Ashton, it’s good, but (YN), why are you cooking for us?” Michael asked and you sighed. “I have nothing else to do on tour with you guys besides take care of you, watch out for you, so i decided to cook. If you guys don’t want me to cook, i won’t, i just thought i’d try it out.” Luke grinned. “Do you want to cook?” You giggled. “Yeah, i didn’t think i did too bad with this and well, i like making sure you boys eat good. You’re in good hands with me boys, just, don’t play with your food like Michael is.”

Ashton: The loud noises from down the hall woke you up and you groaned as you hit Ashton with the back of your hand, waking him up. “What?” He grumbled and you sat up. “They’re your band mates and they’re being loud. It’s like we’re the parents and they’re the kids, Ashton, they’re supposed to be adults and act like an adult.” Ashton sat up and got out of bed, getting dressed for the day. “So am i, but look at me, still wearing superman underwear.” You giggled. “I like your superman underwear.” He grinned too and then you both stared at the door when you heard a crashing sound. “Boys you better have that cleaned up by the time i get out there or i swear to god i will kill you all!” you scream and Ashton laughs. “Just remember you volunteered to come on tour with us which meant you took responisbility of watching us.” You swung the door open. “Already regretting it, somewhat.”

Calum: “The concert starts in just under fifteen minutes and only two of you are dressed, what the hell?” You state from the doorway of their dressing room. “The One Direction boys are already dressed and they don’t go on til after you, that’s not right. Calum put some god damn pants on already will you? And Michael stop trying to take Luke’s shirt off of him and put it on yourself, he needs it on.” “Does not!” he screamed and you put a hand on your hip. “Michael Gordon Clifford, leave his shirt alone, he’s wearing it, not you. Calum Thomas Hood put your pants on or i will put them on for you and you’ll never be able to take them off again. Luke and Ashton, thank you for being dressed and making this easier for me. Why did i agree to take care of you guys for a while again?” Calum kissed your cheek with a grin. “Cause you really love me and you somewhat like them, right?” You giggle. “Something like that, now get on stage! All four of you, now! Mush!”

All credit goes to the tumblr users!!

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A/N Would u guys want me to update everyday except saturday and sunday or keep updating on monday, wednsday,and friday?

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