He Meets Your Child From A Previous Relationship

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Michael: “Are you sure he’ll like me?” Michael asked you as you both walked up to the front door of your house. You and Michael had been dating for a while and you felt like it was time for him to meet your 9 year old son, Cole. Michael was nervous, to say the least, even though he had talked a big game that he’d get along perfectly well with your son. “Of course he’ll like you,” you reassured. You were sure he would, even if Cole could be quite introverted at times.
You opened your front door and called Cole down. Your friend, who had been looking after Cole while you were out with Michael, was still there and started saying her goodbyes before she left. Cole was stalling, you could tell, but eventually he had trudged downstairs.
“Cole, honey, this is Michael,” you introduced. “Hi, Cole,” Michael smiled and Cole nodded nonchalantly. That was when Michael noticed the Green Day shirt Cole was wearing and figured it’d be a good conversation starter. “So, you like music?”
Cole looked down at his shirt and then back up at Michael and nodded. Whenever you played your music around the house or when you were driving, Cole would always listen. You had showed him a lot of bands and genres of music and he seemed to like it a lot. Cole nodded, “Yeah. Do you?”
“I do,” Michael nodded. “Has your mother told you what my job is?”
Cole shook his head and looked up at Michael curiously. “I’m in a band,” Michael informed and watched Cole’s eyes widen. You giggled at your son’s evident excitement.
“No way! You’re in a band?!” he exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell me, mom?!” You and Michael chuckled as Cole went on, “What’s it like? Can I know? Can I listen to your music?”
“Here, come on! I’ll show you,” Michael smiled widely as he walked further into your house. You followed after them and listened to Michael explain 5 Seconds of Summer to your son and couldn’t help but smile. It was nice to see the two boys bond over something they both liked.

Ashton: Ashton was meeting your 5 year old daughter, Sophia, for the first time since you both started dating. He was excited to meet your daughter and you were sure they would get along easily. So one day Ashton came over and you called your daughter down from her room where she had been playing. Your daughter pranced into the hallway, dressed in a frilly tutu, a pink shirt, a bejeweled princess crown, and fairy wings with her hair in pigtails. “Sophia, this is Ashton. Ashton, this is Sophia,” you introduced and Ashton smiled kindly.
“I like your skirt, Sophia,” he said, kneeling down to be eye level with her. She smiled and looked down at her outfit. “Do you really? Do you like my crown, too?”
“Yup! And your wings,” he said with a nod. “Thank you,” she giggled. She was silent for a second, eyeing your boyfriend carefully before leaning in to say, “Do you want to come to my tea party? I don’t invite just anybody, you know.”
He smiled and looked up at you before saying, “Of course! I’d love to be a part of your tea party.” Your daughter broke out into the biggest grin you’ve ever seen and reached out to take his hand. She pulled him with her into the next room where a small table was already set up in her finest fake tea cups and doilies, her stuffed animals sitting around the table.
“Mommy, sit with us!” Sophia said and you obliged, sitting down in between Ashton and a frog plushie with glasses. She pretended to pour some tea into your cup and then turned to your boyfriend, “Would you like some tea, Mr. Ashton?”
“Yes please, Miss Sophia,” he replied back.
The next hour was spent with you and Ashton playing with Sophia and you could tell just how much Sophia was already taking a liking to your boyfriend. You had to admit, though, that Ashton did a great job with her.

Calum: “Trust me, he’ll love you!” You assured Calum as you both walked across the field at the park. Your boyfriend was about to meet your 7 year old son, Noah, and he was the complete opposite of nervous which surprised you. Calum was confident that things would go fine – you were the one who was getting anxious. You had asked him to meet you at the park where Noah was busy kicking a soccer ball around with another friend.
“Noah! Come say hi!” You called out to your son. The small boy paused and excused himself from his friend to run over to you and Calum, carrying his soccer ball in his hands.
“Noah, this is Calum. Calum, meet Noah,” you introduced the two. Noah was a curious little boy and was never afraid to speak his mind, which was why it didn’t shock you when he blatantly asked, “Are you my mom’s boyfriend?”
You and Calum smiled. He nodded, “I am.” Noah studied him intently for a bit, as if inspecting to see if this new man standing beside his mother was even worthy enough to be there. Calum, who noticed this and wanted to try to ease the tension, gestured to the soccer jersey Noah was wearing and the ball he was rocking back and forth beneath his foot.
“Do you like soccer?” Calum asked curiously. Noah nodded, still a bit uneasy. “Do you?”
Your boyfriend nodded enthusiastically, “I do, actually!”
Noah burst into a wide smile suddenly and looked up at Calum. Noah loved anything soccer, and was bound to bond with anyone else if they did too. “Do you want to play with us?”
“Of course!” Calum said. “If you want me to play, that is.”
“Yeah! Come on!” Noah beamed and started chattering loudly as he kicked the ball toward the field. Calum followed after him and you sat back in the shade of a tree as you watched their little match take place. Afterward, Calum would take you three to get ice cream and Noah would talk his ear off though Calum didn’t mind. He was just glad Noah had taken a liking to him.

Luke: “Ellie! Come downstairs to say hi!” You called your 4 year old daughter down from her room. Your boyfriend was currently over and you figured it was time he met your daughter from a previous relationship. You heard her (reluctantly) leave her room where she had been colouring and shuffle down the stairs, holding onto the banister. When she was on the last few steps, she stopped and looked over at Luke. You beckoned her to come and she did so slowly, stopping right behind you. She was shy and intimidated to meet a stranger she had never seen before but only heard you talk about. It didn’t help that Luke towered over her considerably with his height. She held onto your hand and peeked up at him.
“Hi there, Ellie,” Luke said with a smile, kneeling down in front of her so that they were level. “My name is Luke.”
Ellie stared back at him with her big doe eyes, and hid a bit behind you. You looked down at Luke with pursed lips but he didn’t seem bothered. “Don’t be scared, honey,” you said gently, placing your hand softly on her head. “Luke’s not going to hurt you.”
Your daughter looked up at you and then tugged at your hand, gesturing for you to bend down. You did so and she whispered into your ear. You nodded and turned back to your boyfriend with a grin, “Luke, Ellie says that you’re very tall.”
Luke chuckled and nodded and then said playfully, “I am. Or maybe you’re just very small.”
“No! I’m the second tallest girl in my year!” Ellie exclaimed with a giggle but stopped herself suddenly, as if she had just been caught doing something wrong. She tilted her head to the side, studying Luke, and then stepped in front of you, noticing that he was pretty much harmless.
“Do you wanna colour?” She asked shyly in a quiet voice. Luke’s eyes flickered up to you and you both smiled warmly. “I’d love to,” Luke replied back, looking at Ellie.
She broke out into a genuine smile and spun on her heel, grabbing Luke’s hand in the process. “Follow me, Luke!”

All credit goes the tumblr users!

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