You embarrass yourself in front of him

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You and Ashton were outside of the place 5sos were performing tonight. Fans were crowded around the fence and parking garage where the buses were parked. Ashton had a soccer ball out and was kicking it around with you. You wanted to impress him and the fans so you thought out a plan to do so. You planned to kick it off your knee to your head and then jump in the air and kick it. You felt confident as Ashton kicked the ball to you. You immediately hit it off your knee and excecuted your plan. It was all going perfectly until it got to the actual kick. You jumped in the air and completely missed the ball, not to mention you landed right on your face. "Oh my god. Babe are you okay?" Ashton asked through giggles as he ran over to you. you nod, extremely embarassed. The crowd of fans were laughing their asses off, only a few of them yelling to ask if you're okay. "That was so embarassing," you say to Ash as you stand up and dust your butt off. "It was pretty cool at the beginning," Ashton says, trying to make you feel better.


You and Calum were bored one day, so being the silly girl you are, you suggested playing Just Dance. You always loved playing the game, so why not play it with Cal? "Blurred Lines! Pick Blurred Lines!" You yell at Calum while he's scrolling through songs. He laughs, "Whatever you say, babe." He selects the song and you guys begin to dance. You get very into the song, and add a bunch of feet movement. You couldn't dance one bit, but that didn't stop you from breaking it down during this game. Once the song was over, you see that your score was 100 more than Calum's. "Hell yeah! How does it feel to lose? Woooo!" You yell, still in the rush of the game. Calum just sits on the couch, laughing extremely hard. "Y/n, you are seriously the funniest dancer ever," Calum says between his laughter. You suddenly feel incredibly embarrassed and your cheeks flush to a pink color. "Please dance more!" Calum yells as you begin to laugh along with him, forgetting your embarrassment. You pick another song and start crazily dancing again.


You have the tendency of being very clumsy, especially when you're nervous. Today, you and Luke were going for a walk around a new city. Only a few fans have seen you, so it wasn't very much of a big deal. However, eventually a swarm of beautiful girls were following you two. Your anxiety was through the roof and you were feeling very jumpy. You guys eventually stopped for Luke to take pictures with them. A couple of girls came up to you, wanted to get information about how Luke is as a boyfriend. "You're seriously so lucky you have him!" "What's he like in bed??" "What's it like to kiss him?" A big swarm of questions and comments were being thrown at you. You wanted to seem cool for them while you answered their questions, so you leaned back. You rested your hand on a bike that was parked behind you and leaned back, which resulted in the bike falling over along with you. You blush like mad as the girls and Luke laugh at you. Luke sticks his hand out to help you up. You laugh it off as you guys say goodbye to the fans. "That was so embarrassing," you say as you guys walk back to the hotel. Luke simply laughs and kisses you on the cheek.


You and Michael were taking a nice drive. He had the day off, so you guys decided to spend it driving around the countryside. It was very calm and collected. That was until Pompeii by Bastille came on the radio; also known as your favorite song ever. "Oh my God, Michael, turn it up!" You yell while you roll all of the windows down. You begin singing the lyrics as loud as you can, not caring about who can hear. "BUT IF YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES, DOES IT ALMOST FEEL LIKE NOTHINGS CHANGED AT ALL!!!" You sing loudly until the song comes to an end. Once it does, you clap your hands and laugh. You look over at Michael who is staring at you with wide eyes. "Jesus, y/n. I didn't know you had that in you." You just laugh, knowing that you made a huge fool out of yourself in front of him. "I like seeing you like that," Michael adds with a smile. "Thanks babe," you say. Soon, you guys are both singing every song as loud as you can down the vacant road.

All redit goes to the tumblr users!

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