You're drunk and want to have sex but he says no!

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Luke: “LUKEEYYY!” You yelled, giggling as you stumbled through your front door, throwing your purse on the couch, “(Y/N)?” Luke stepped out of the kitchen, looking at you with concern, “I missed you!” You whined, throwing yourself into his arms. Realization dawned on his face as he smelled the alcohol on your breath, “Are you drunk?” He smirked, leading you down the hallway to your bedroom, “youI only had about thisss much.” You slurred, taking your thumb and index finger and putting an inch in between them, “Yeah, I’m sure you did.” Luke murmured, opening the door and setting you on the bed, “Now, you need to go to bed.” He said gently, urging you to lay down. You sprang forward suddenly, grabbing him by his shirt and smashing your lips to his. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol talking, or the fact that Luke looked impeccable in his skinny jeans and Nirvana t-shirt, but you were incredibly turned on. Your hands trailed down his torso, finding the bottom of his shirt and tugging on it desperately. He captured you wrists in his hands and placed them by your side, his lips leaving yours, “Babe, not tonight.” He whispered, sitting you down on the bed more firmly this time. You giggled again, “Why not babe?” He sighed as he sat down by you, “Because I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of you. Besides, you get really grumpy when you’re hung over, and I don’t want any backlash in the morning.” He grinned down at you, kissing your forehead while he gently pushed you back on the bed, “I love you Luke.” You murmured drowsily, suddenly feeling tired as he brought the comforter up around you, “I love you too, (Y/N).”

Calum: You tripped out of the bar, giggling as Calum caught you by the waist, “Whoa there tiger.” He said, bringing you upright and tucking you into his side. A night out on the town turned into getting totally wasted at a bar while Calum looked on, amused by your drunken antics. It was when you tried to dance on the bar that Calum decided to get you out of there before you were kicked out, “But I was having fun!” you whined, slouching against Calum as your wobbly legs tried to support you, “I know babe.” He grinned. Suddenly you had him pressed against the wall of the bar, shoving your mouth onto his, “Babe.” He murmured, trying to gently push you away, but you were persistent, pressing your body flush against his while fumbling with his belt buckle. His hands landed on yours, stopping your actions, “But I want you!” You pulled away from him, stomping your feet like a little kid, “And I want you, but 1. We are in a public place, 2. You are drunk off your ass, and 3. I can’t take advantage of you like that babe.” He took you gently by the arm and began to lead you towards your shared apartment. You sighed, “I guess you’re right.” You mumble, dragging your feet stubbornly, “(Y/N), c’mon, walk properly.” Calum tugged on your arm, “But my feet hurt!” You say, stopping in your tracks, “Fine.” Calum bent over and hooked his arms underneath your legs, carrying you bridal style. You laid your head in the crook of his neck, suddenly exhausted, “Go to sleep babe, we’ll be home soon.” You didn’t need to be told twice.

Michael: "Babe, come on, you’ve had enough to drink for one night." Michael told you, pushing away your 10th beer and trying to lead you up to your room, "At least let me finish that one!" You yell, squirming in his grasp, "Yeah mate, don’t be such a downer!" Calum yelled from across the room, almost as drunk as you, "Shut up Calum! (Y/N), let’s go to the bedroom." He said again, leading you up the stairs and down the hall, you stumbling in his wake. He opened the door, dragging you inside and closing the door behind you, "Let’s go to-" Michael began, but you cut him off with a fierce kiss, turning him around and backing him towards the bed. He fell back with a grunt, pulling you with him and his head hit the pillow, "(Y/N)." He mumbled, pulling away from you, "Mikey!" You pouted, sitting up on his lap as you looked down at him in confusion, "Isn’t that why you brought me up here?" you asked as he sat up, looking you right in the eye, "No, I brought you up here so we could go to bed." he chuckled, smiling at you. Even drunk you couldn’t resist his beautiful smile, "Okay." You sighed, rolling off him and cuddling into his side, not worrying about your clothes, "Goodnight, Mikey." you said, drifting into a dreamless sleep, "Goodnight, (Y/N)." Mikey whispered, kissing your forehead.

Ashton: “Whoo hoo!” You cheered out of the car window, you giggled as many others honked, egging you on to continue. Just as you were about to let out another loud cheer the window snapped shut. You looked over at your boyfriend, “Hey! I was having fun!” You told Ashton, attempting to shoot him an evil glare, but with the drunk state you were in, it failed completely, ‘I know you were, but you need to wind down a bit.” He scolded you, pulling up into your driveway, “I know one way to wind down.” You smirked at him, pulling him in for a kiss. He kissed you back softly, putting his hand on your cheek. You sighed, reaching over and beginning to unbutton his shirt, “Mm, no (Y/N).” He mumbled into your lips, pulling away from you with a smile, “Come onnnnn.” You pressed, reaching over for another kiss, “The last time we had sex while you were drunk you passed out in the middle of it.” He laughed, grabbing your needy hands in his, “But I’m not tired this time.” But even as you said that you stifled a yawn with your hand, “Sure you aren’t.” He said sarcastically, opening his door. He ran around the front of the car to open your door, only to find you out cold. Ashton chuckled, unbuckling your seatbelt and carrying you inside, “I love you, (Y/N)” he whispered, laying you down on your bed with a loving smile.

All credit goes to the tmblr users!

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