you pick a name for the baby

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Ashton: The book fell from his hands as he stood up and began to pace the room. “What’s wrong?” you ask, still looking through the names on the website you were currently on. “How can it be this hard to name a baby?” he asks throwing his hands up in the air. You bite back a laugh. “Well we have to come up with a name that we both like, a name that the baby won’t grow up to hate, so, it’s a bit of a process!” Ashton nodded, then focused his attention on your books, he ran over, opened it up and scoured the page for a name. “What about Macey?” he asks, you look up to see the book he picked and grinned. “Macey Brooklyn Irwin, it has a nice sound to it doesn’t it, Ashton?” Ashton’s smile widened. “Yeah, my baby girl has a name now, my baby girl!”

Luke: Your son was now in your arms and was the most precious thing you had ever seen in your life. He was just missing one thing. His name. “He doesn’t look like a James, like i thought he would.” Luke says and you nod in agreement. “He just doesn’t does he.” Luke put his face in his hands. “Do you think we could maybe name him after one of our good friends?” “Like who?” you ask and he smiles at you. “I became really good friends with Zayn on tour, and i actually really like that name!” You look down at your son and soon a smile is on your face as well. “He does look like a Zayn now doesn’t he?” Luke smiles. “He does! Should we call Zayn and tell him we named our son after him?” You laughed. “Phones in your pocket babe, and you know his number, go and tell him, show off your baby boy’s name!” Luke laughed as he dialed.

Calum: “I am not naming him after a food, Cal!” You state and Cal shrugs his shoulders. “What else could we name him?” “How about something that actually qualifies as a name, how about we start with that one!” Cal laughs and sits you on his lap. “We still have a few months to decide you know.” “Yeah, but i want a name for him now, it just makes it more real for me!” Calum nodded and began to think for a name again, you doing the same. After just a few minutes a light bulb had gone off in both of your heads and the name flew from your lips. “Flynn!” After hearing the other say the same exact name, you knew that it was it and Cal leaned over and kissed your stomach. “Hey there Flynn, it’s daddy!”

Michael: “Monica?” “No!” “Jessica?” “No, Michael, stop with the name shouting, you’re going nowhere pretty quickly!” He let out a deep breath before looking back at you. “Well, do you have a name in idea?” You nodded your head. “Yeah, actually i do!” He leaned closer to you on his elbows. “Care to share them with your husband now?” You grinned. “Well, my husband, i have always loved the name Leighanne, it’s always had a special place in my heart!” Michael kissed your stomach. “Well, now it has a special place as our daughter’s name! Can’t wait to meet you Leighanne!”

All credit goes to the tumblr users!!
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