You're Dating Another Member, Have Problems With That Member,

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Full Title: You’re Dating Another Member, Have Problems With That Member, Go To Your Brother For Help/Advice

Luke: You knocked on your brother Luke’s door repeatedly until the door opened and a very sluggish, very tired Luke appeared. “(YN)? Do you even know what time it is?” “I know very well what time it is.” You say and walk past him. He shuts the door and follows you to his living room. “What’s going on? Is it Michael?” You nod. “Yeah.” “Tell me.” Sighing you face your brother. “I found out today that i’m pregnant. I thought Michael would be happy but it turns out he’s not. He yelled and said that we weren’t ready for a baby, he wasn’t ready for a baby, and then we got into a huge fight and i left and came here. I thought if anyone could help, it’d be you.” Luke listened intently and when you finished he grabbed his phone. “What are you doing Luke?” “Giving your fiance a kick in the ass through the phone.”

Michael: “So in conclusion Ashton is an ass and i could care less what happens to him.” You finish explaining your story of your fight with Ashton to your brother who just sat back and let you yell without interrupting you in fear that you’d turn on him and yell at him as well. “(YN), you do care what happens to him. You still love him. I know when you’re lying and you’re lying when you say that.” You crossed your arms across your chest and shook your head. “You don’t know everything Michael. Your band mate is an ass who doesn’t want to do anything to help around the house and i’m not going to do it all anymore so, yeah.” Michael laughed. “And i thought your high school boyfriend drama was an ass. I knew you shouldn’t have started to date my band mate.” “What can i say i thought i liked him.” Michael stood up and walked away calling over his shoulder. “And you still do!”

Calum: “You called me over for dinner why?” Calum asked and you ate your food in silence until he kicked your leg underneath the table. “(YN), spill it willingly or i’ll force it out of you.” “Okay fine, Calum, it’s Luke and me alright.” “He hurt you?” You shook your head. “No, he’d never do that. You know that.” “Then what is it that could be so bad that you need my help to solve this?” Sighing you set your fork down. “He wants us to move in together and i’m not sure i’m ready for this and i told him and he got upset and now i realize that do want to live with him, but now he won’t answer my calls or texts.” “And you think that if i call or text him he’ll answer, don’t you think he expects you to ask me for help?” “Calum, he’s your band mate, you have to see him and he has to see you. At the next practice will you talk to him and have him call me? Please?” He sighed. “I’ll do what i can. No promises.”

Ashton: The yelling had been going on all day and you couldn’t remember what had even started the argument but you were beyond pissed so you stormed out of the hotel room and past your brother and his band mates but not before grabbing your brother by his hoodie and dragging him outside the hotel. “Needed some peace and quiet finally?” He asked and you glared at him. “I need you to do something about him.” “What do you want me to do about him? You went behind my back to start dating him when i told both of you that the other was off limits, you ignored me, why should i help you now?” “Ashton.” You stomped your foot. “You’re my big brother, you’re supposed to help me when i’m in trouble or scared or i just feel i need help.” He sighed and opened the door to go back into the hotel. “Fine, i don’t know what to say or do, but i’ll do what i can. Sit by Luke and Michael and don’t go anywhere til i get back, alright?” “Whatever.”

All credit goes to the tumblr users!!

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