He punishes your kid for the first time

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Calum: You came home from work to the sound of crying and the pounding of little feet on the floor. Your husband Calum let out an exasperated sigh as you entered the room. "What's going on?" you asked while taking your painful heels off. "Bryan was making a lot of noise and acting out and I asked him to stop three times and he didn't stop. So, he just got his first spanking." Calum told you about your three year old son. You pouted, knowing how scared Cal was of the day he had to punish Bryan. You walked closer and rested your hand on his shoulder in comfort and Calum leaned into your touch, "Don't be worried about it Cal, it's our job to teach him to listen. We both knew this day was coming." He sighed again and buried his head in your shoulder, hiding his face from you, "I just hated it. What if he doesn't forgive me for it?" Before you could answer you felt a small hand tug at your pants and you looked down to see a red-faced Bryan, gazing up at his parents with a sheepish smile. You pulled away from Calum to crouch in front of your boy, smoothing his ruffled hair, "I think you need to apologize to daddy for not listening. Listen next time and you won't get in trouble." Bryan looked at Calum who was moving to bend down to Bryan's level as well, you moving to get out of their way. You heard Bryan mumble an "I'm sorry." in his soft voice and watched proudly as father and son hugged and made up. "Everything's good now, right buddy?" Calum said as he stood, holding Bryan on his hip and tickling his side. Your son giggled and wrapped his arms around Cal's neck and nodded, happy again to be in his father's arms.

Ashton: Ashton watched with crossed arms and furrowed eyebrows as his daughter Isabella sat pouting in the corner with her back to him. She had been like this for half an hour, ignoring him and every attempt to get her out. Ashton was frustrated because he had just been trying to instruct his daughter. She had tried to climb up on the kitchen counter to grab cookies she wasn't even allowed to have right now, and almost slipped but Ashton had been there to catch her. A frightened yell and quick spank on the rear had followed and now Isabella was in the corner. Ash knew he shouldn't apologize, his daughter did wrong, but he wanted her to understand that he wasn't mad at her. He didn't mean to yell at her and scare her, but she had scared him when she fell. Unsure of what else to do, he texted you at your college class hoping you were free. You were, just working on homework until the time ended. You had hated leaving Ash and Isabella at home but Ash had encouraged you to finish your education like you had always dreamed of. You pulled your phone out when you felt the vibration and read the message that quickly described Ashton's dilemma. You laughed a little at your husband's desperation and typed a quick message back, "Calm down Ash, you did the right thing. Let her pout." Ashton received your message and sighed, glancing back at his daughter and wishing you were home to help.

Luke: He watched in horror as his guitar fell to it's instrument death off the couch where he had left it. Luke had only walked out of the room for a minute to grab a notebook to record his lyrics on, leaving his pristine blue guitar lying on the couch, just in reach of little Anna Hemmings, two years old and into everything. Just as Luke came back in the room, she was pulling the guitar into the floor where the neck snapped in half. Anna fell back with a giggle and with no understanding of what she had just done. Luke stood in shock for a moment before a part of him snapped. He pulled his daughter up into his arms and rushed her into her nursery and plopped her into the crib, the shocked expression on her face quickly turning to tears as she wondered what made her daddy do that. Luke stormed out of the room and slammed the door in anger, huffing in frustration before a realization of what just happened washed over him. Meanwhile you, Luke's fiancé and Anna's mother, had just gotten out of the shower, oblivious to the scene happening in your home. You heard Anna's crying and saw Luke standing outside her door with tears in his own eyes. "Luke?" you said quietly. He turned to you with wide sad eyes, "S-she broke my guitar, it was an accident, but I-I snapped, I didn't mean to." he whimpered, voice cracking with emotion. He couldn't bring himself to go quiet Anna's tears that he had caused. You gave him a sad smile and passed into your daughter's room, calming her before letting her go to Luke, proving to him that she forgave him as he promised her over and over not to do it again.

Michael: "Time out. Now." Michael said to his four year old son Aaron. You stood back and just watched, knowing this was Michael's fight and not yours and he needed to assert himself as the one in charge. Because of being gone on tour, Aaron hadn't learned to obey Michael and therefore this was Michael's first time punishing his son. Aaron's lip quivered as he realized his father was serious but stayed put in his spot. Michael pointed his finger towards Aaron's room and gave him a look, "Last warning Aaron, go to your room." When Aaron still didn't respond, Michael walked over and grabbed him by the arm, not hurting him but gripping him firmly enough to hold onto him, and spanked his rear to get the message across. Aaron started crying and Michael released him, watching as he ran to his room now. You saw Michael's shoulders slouch and knew this was hard on him so you approached and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind. He relaxed in your arms and his voice was sad when he spoke, "I don't know how you do it. I don't want to punish him (y/n). I feel so bad." You sighed and placed a soft kiss to the back of his neck, "Don't feel bad, if we didn't punish him for doing wrong then he would grow up without guidance and we would be bad parents." Michael turned in your arms, laying his head on your shoulder and holding you in a comfortable tight hug, "I'm so lucky to have you to keep me sane." You laughed, running your hands through his hair to calm him, staying that way for a few more minutes until Michael was ready to let Aaron out of his time out and take you both out to get Panda Express.

OMG I'm back you guys I'm still kind of hoping you still want me to post more on here yeah? I'm sorry I like didn't post the rest of the preference till like a long time I left you guys hanging so sorry my loves! You happy I'm back if you're not it's fine;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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