07.To The Beach! Pt.3

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I had a strange feeling when I woke up in the middle of the night. My head was pounding and my stomach had massive cramps. I felt like I was going to throw up at any second. Not a while after I found myself right next to the toilet bowl, throwing up my insides. I tried to be as quiet as I could, or as anyone could be when their barfing all their foods up. Unfortunately, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I felt something coming up my throat and I leaned into the bowl once again. 

"Luhan? Are you okay?" A voice above me whispered, worried. 

I looked up to see a very worried Kyung Mi. I tried to smile at her, but it made me feel even more nautious. She got even more worried, and kneeled down beside me, now rubbing circles on my back.

"Kyung Mi, I'm so sorry for waking you up. I'm fine, just go back--"

"Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to leave you when you can't even stand up without feeling dizzy?" She gave me a very motherly tone.

I mentally fanboyed over how much she cared for me. I can't believe someong could be so perfect. I tried to get up myself, but ended up holding my head and sitting back down. She chuckled, and helped me up.

"Are you alright now? Do you have a fever or a cold?" She asked.

"I think I just have some stomach problems. I'm okay though, thanks." I smiled. 

We both headed back to our beds when I felt her hold my wrist. I turned around, surprised.

She grinned."You expect me to let you sleep on the floor when your in this condition? Pabo. Come on, you can sleep with me."

I just smiled back at her, and followed her to her room. We both got in and she slipped the covers over the both of us.

"You feeling any better?" She asked in a hushed tone.

I nodded." Thanks, Kyung Mi. I can't tell you how grateful I am."

"Ahh Don't worry about it!" 

I could feel my headache slowly going away, but it still lingered around. I then felt a sleeping Kyung Mi wrapping her arm around my waist, and nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck. I grinned like Chanyeol, and just melted into her, completely forgeting about my stomach problems.

Sehun's POV:

I heard peculiar noises coming from the bathroom in the middle of the night. I was always a light sleeper. I was shocked to see Luhan-hyung bent over a toilet bowl, hurling chunks. Even though we're in this "competition", I still cared for my hyung. I was about to get up and help him when I saw Kyung Mi beat me to it. I was shocked to see how much she cared for him, and I just let her take care of him. 

When Luhan stopped barfing, I expected him to come back, but what I saw was heart-breaking. Kyung Mi was dragging him to her room, in her bed. I should have known that Luhan also had a special part in his heart for Kyung Mi, but does she also like him back? 

Let's just say I couldn't sleep very well that night.

I was awoken by a loud "Where the heck is Luhan?". I instantly remembered what happened last night. I arose from my sleeping bag, and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I was in a horrid mood and I didn't feel like going to the beach at all. I put on my signature stoic face and entered the living room. Suho was waking everyone up.

"Rise and shine, boys! The beach is calling us!" He said while ripping the blankets off of everyone.

"Urgh, appa, why'd you have to wake us up so early?"

"So we get a lot done today! Now eat up, we'll be going soon. Oh! And for those who were asking, no, Luhan was not murdered, he's just sleeping with Kyung Mi. They look so cute cuddling!" 

"Why is he in her bed?"

"Dang, I wanted to sleep in the beds."

"Ahh, my back is killing me."

"Haha grandpa!"


"Well, isn't that ironic..."

I zoned everyone out when I heard that they were cuddling. I'm really not in the mood for the beach today.

Kyung Mi's POV:

As soon as I woke up, I felt a body against mine. I saw Luhan's peaceful sleeping face and he looked like a angel. I then realized how close our faces were, and I couldn't help but lean in little by little. Suddenly, Luhan's eyes shot open, and noticed how close we were. 

Luhan closed his eyes and leaned in again, and I did the same. Our lips were about to touch when we heard the door open. We flung as far away from each other. Suho and the others were standing under the doorway. 

"Ooh! What were you naughty children doing?" Suho wiggled his eyebrows. 

"Suho, I'm older than you, remember?" Luhan said, embarrassed.

"We weren't doing anything, appa. Don't worry," I added some ageyo in for some help.

"Okay, lovebirds, we're going to the beach soon. Just grab something to eat and we're going!" Everyone left except of Sehun, who just looked really down in the dumps. He stayed for while, just staring at us, and then left without saying anything.

Sehun looked really depressed. I wonder what happened. 

"I'm going to go get some breakfast. I'll meet you later, okay Luhan?" I stood up and left Luhan alone. 

Finally to the beach! I can't wait!

Sehun's POV:

I couldn't say anything at all. What am I supposed to say anyway? Oh, hey. Did you sleep well with Luhan? I wish that could've been me. I just felt like not speaking to anyone.

I lazily got dressed and trudged to the living room to wait. 

I have a feeling today will be a really bad day.

Luhan's POV:

I can't believe I almost kissed Kyung Mi. I guess this "competition" will be easier than I thought. I smirked, and left to the bed to get ready for the beach, feeling better from my stomach problems last night already.

I have a feeling today will be a good day.


Wahh! I finally wrote something decent!! L(・o・)」

I'm honestly so exhausted from writing this chapter. (;*△*;)

How does everyone feel about Kyung Mi and Luhan's almost kiss? Sehun's flipping out! 

So the next update will finally be the beach!! I'm super excited to write it, actually.(*^▽^*)

Thank you sooo much for reading!! ♡〜٩(^▿^)۶〜♡

-Jasmine (=゚ω゚)ノ

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