Chapter 1: Thoughts

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(This fanfic is based on the last year at Hogwarts)

Harry's POV:

Ever since Hermione and Ron haven't been talking to me, I've been feeling so lost and lonely. After a while, I couldn't stand it anymore so I snuck one of the sharper knives from dinner into my room. Since then I cut my arms so it bleeds. Which gives me joy. That joy almost replaces the emptiness inside me but it makes me feel better. The thing is no one notices I'm suffering. People in other houses have noticed me more distant than ever. I don't eat much. I don't sleep much. I don't do much anymore. All I seem to do anymore is cut myself. Everyone ignores me. No one cares. I've gotten to the point where I don't care anymore. I'm tired of everything. My life with the Dursley's every summer. My life at Hogwarts. I really think there's no point of me existing. I'm the boy-who-lived and I'm thinking about killing myself. I bet it would make some people happy. I think it would be better if I was gone.
I've decided.

Tomorrow after lessons have finished, I'm going to get that knife and go to the Black Lake where hardly anyone goes and kill myself. It'll make me happy. I'll be gone from this world and join my parents.

Draco' s POV:

A lot of people have noticed that over the last few months Harry has been really distant from everyone. I have to confess that I've had a crush on him since I first saw him. It wasn't love at first sight. I just thought he was cute with his messed up hair and his eyes. I only like Harry. No one knows that I do and I don't plan on telling anyone any time soon. No one even knows I'm bisexual. I'm worried though. I've noticed small scars appear on Harry's arms. I want to talk to him about it but I don't think he will say anything about it because I had been bullying him and his friends. I have stopped ever since the start of this year. Hopefully, that makes some sort of differences.

I've been going the Black Lake for a while everyday after lessons to think about school and life at home. I'm going after lesson tomorrow as well.

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