"Um hey Ben sorry I didn't called you earlier and I know it's already 11 a.m but please don't dismiss me...." I mumble in the phone when Ben interrupts me.

"Camil don't worry Lexi calmed me yesterday and told me what happened as well as Raley did this morning, just don't stress I don't want you to get to the hospital. Better tell me how do you feel today?" He tells me softly.

"I'm fine, my head hurts a bit. Ben I'm really sorry..." I starts to say when he interrupts me.

"Cam, it's all good ! Don't stress it's not good for you, just rest and I'll see you in a few days and don't worry about work. I'll take care of it! I'd love  to talk to you a bit longer, but it seems like Sam needs me right now. I'll talk to you soon."

"Thank you Ben."

With that I hung up.

Well next thing I'm going to do is to call Daren.
It's not that I'm thrilled to talk to my brother, but it's need to be done before he will call yelling at me. It's better when he isn't pissed which is such a rarely lately. I think I need to ask James what's that all about.

I deal Daren'd number, after few seconds he picks up, his voice is soft and there is no hint of anger.

"Morning Cam. How do you feel?"

"Morning D, I'm fine." I sight. I'm a bit tired of this question.

"Lexi told me earlier that you didn't feel well today, so you stayed at home. I know the stubborn person you are, but let me call a doctor. I'm really worried about your health." He says and by the way he speaks I know that my brother is very concerned, but not about his work or anything else, but me. I smile to myself, because normal Daren is back.

"There is no need for the doctor. I'm sure it's all because if the relocation, time shift and a bit of stress, nothing to worry about."

"There is no way I'm going to persuade you, right?" He chuckles.

"You don't need to question me about that when you already have an answer." I laugh.

"Alright, but promise me if you  feel worse, you  will call me!" And again this demanding tone.

"Promise." I reply calmly.

"Cam I have a meeting in a few, but before I go I want to apologize for what I said to you the other day and actually about everything. I really am sorry..."

"I forgive you D..."

The line is silent for the next few seconds.

"You better go now or you will be late on your meeting." I say softly interrupting the silence.

"Ok, I'll call you later Cam."

As soon as the phone call is over I think to myself that time back at home is about 6 in the morning. What "normal" person have a business meeting at this time? Well probably it's Daren.

I put my phone to the night stand and lay down comfortably in my bed burying myself in the covers. I close my eyes and finally my mind is relaxed.

Soft knock on the door interrupts my comfort and Bruce appears in the door frame.

"Morning Camil." Bruce greets me with a light smile.

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