Surprisingly her hard exterior seems to crack slightly as her eyes shift between Alexander and I. "Can I please have a moment alone with my son?" She asks.

I look to Alexander and he gives me a small nod. I move to leave the room, but Alex pulls me back to place a quick kiss on my lips before I go. I give him a smile that he returns.

"Come join us in the kitchen Charlotte," Jonas says and I leave the room with him.

Rosa is standing behind the stove when I walk in. She smiles at me, "Your glass of wine is right on the table, I didn't want to uh interrupt..." She says and I thank her as I begin sipping the wine.

"You really do love my son don't you?" Jonas asks me as he leans on the counter beside Rosa.

"I really do," I tell him.

He nods his head as a smile forms on his lips. "I could tell by how you stood up to Katherine like that. Most would find her very intimidating, only certain people know how to handle her personality and you really held your own. I was impressed," he laughs and I join him. It's probably because I was one of those certain people...

"Well thank you. I've had to defend our relationship before, and I'll continue to if I have to," I say while thinking back to when everyone found out about Alexander and I.

"I admire that. You'll be good for my son even if you are much younger. I was shocked to hear he was engaged, I never thought I'd see the day. Are you aware of his past? Of Luna's mother?" He asks lightly.

"I am."

His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "So he actually opened up to you about Alexis?" Well considering I am Alexis, yes, yes he did. I just nod. "Well he was never the same after she passed. After years of him raising Luna on his own, his mother and I tried encouraging him to get back out there. He went on a few dates here and there, but that spark in his eyes never returned," he looks lost in thought for a moment until he looks back to me with a soft smile.

"Not until I opened the door tonight and saw him with you. I don't know how you got my son back Charlotte, but thank you," his voice cracks slightly. Rosa rubs his back with a sad smile.

"All I did was love him Jonas," I say.

His eyes are shining with unshed tears as he nods his head at me. "Well just keep doing what you're doing. I've missed my son."

Katherine and Alexander walk in. Katherine has a blank expression on her face and Alexander's eyes are focused on me with a smile on his face. He walks right to me and leaves a soft kiss on my lips before turning to Jonas and Rosa. "What's for dinner?"

The both of them stare at him in momentary shock before Rosa answers, "Your dad told me you love chicken Parmesan, so I made that."

Alex gives her a sincere smile. "Well it smells delicious."

"Oh uh thank you. It should be done in a few minutes," she responds. "Jonas can grab you that beer," she adds as she looked to a still shell-shocked Jonas. I wonder how Alexander acted towards his parents after I passed considering how they react when he's calm and smiling.

He snaps out of it and smiles widely at his son. He grabs a beer from the fridge and hands it to him. "So Charlotte tell us about yourself," he says as Alex takes a sip of the beer and pulls me into his side.

Katherine watches us all with a look of astonishment before grabbing a glass and pouring herself a large glass of wine. She eyes me as I eye her, "Well go on. Tell us about yourself."

"Well I graduated college last week..." I drag off as I watch for their reactions. Rosa is taking the food out of the oven, Jonas gives me a look of encouragement, and Katherine takes a large sip of the wine. "I majored in business and minored in photography. Luna and I are looking to maybe start our own photography business or at least get started at the same place."

"You and Luna are close?" Katherine surprises me by asking.

I smile slightly. "We are. We met in college and instantly clicked."

"Is that how you met Alexander? Through Luna?" She raises an eyebrow.

I fiddle with my wristband and Alexander quickly captures my fidgeting fingers into his hand. "Um kind of. He was my professor," I release the bomb I knew they would have to find out at some point.

"Oh dear lord. You risked your career Alexander?" Katherine sighs in exasperation.

It really does look bad if you didn't know and understand our relationship. Most outsiders would probably judge us exactly how Katherine is now. But I'd rather have people judging me than telling everyone my secret...

"Mom—" Alex starts, but I cut him off.

"I transferred the next year after I realized how much I loved him and wanted to be with him," I tell her not wanting Alex to admit that he proposed to me before he knew of me transferring.

She sighs loudly. "How admirable of you," her words are sarcastic.

"I didn't do it to be admirable, I did it because I love him and he loves me. I would never want to ruin his career, so I did what I knew would be the best option for the both of us."

Before Katherine can make another snarky remark Rosa announces that dinner is ready. We all take a seat at the table. Alexander gives me a secret smile when he sees I immediately go to the seat I always sat in when I ate over at his house. Rosa serves us each food before taking a seat.

"So dad when are you and Rosa getting married?" Alexander breaks the silence.

Jonas looks up to him in surprise. He looks to Rosa who looks delighted by the question. "Well we were thinking some time in the fall or winter. I'm glad we picked then and not the summer. Wouldn't want to out shine my own son's wedding," he laughs.

Alex smiles at him. Before he can speak Katherine cuts in, "Didn't you say you were getting married July 17th? Any particular reason you chose that date?" She takes another gulp of wine.

"It's a weekend, we decided to do it in exactly two months," Alex shrugs.

"And it's just a coincidence that it's on the dead mother of your daughter's birthday?" I told Alexander they'd be suspicious! Jonas looks slightly curious as well.

"Luna suggested it," Alex answers. I eye him in confusion. Had she really? Or was that an excuse?

"My granddaughter suggested you marry a woman her age on the her own mother's birthday?" Katherine asked in disbelief.

"A way to celebrate us all I suppose," he says with another shrug. "The food is delicious Rosa," he changes the subject and Rosa quickly looks at him with a startled smile.

"Oh thank you!" She says.

"Rosa actually owns a catering business if you're interested for the wedding," Jonas boosts and Rosa blushes slightly.

"That would be really great actually. I mean we should probably start somewhere, we only have two months," Alex laughs and looks to me in question.

"If everything tastes as good as this, then I don't need any convincing," I say honestly.

Rosa looks incredibly pleased as she asks us if we have any thoughts on what exactly we want. As we talk Katherine stands and pours herself another large glass of wine. Hopefully she can eventually see how much I love Alexander...

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