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5 years later
Ashley's pov

It's crazy that 5 years later, Calum and i are married with two kids. Erica is 4 and a half, and Mason just turned 2. It's just crazy how time flies. Calum and i got married a year after Erica was born. We had a small wedding with just our families, the boys and their families, and a few close friends. Then it wasn't long until Mason came into our lives. And I'm pregnant with our third child. Even tho we are both now 29, i feel so old as we watch our kids grow up.

Luke and Chloe got married a month before i was due with Erica. Their wedding was absolutely big and crazy! Shortly after, they had a baby boy name Jackson, whose now 3. And he's best friends with Mason. Chloe and Luke tried for another, but she had a miscarriage due to stress she was going through.

Ashton and Sha had a rocky relationship when they boys got back 5 years ago. Rumors were going around about how Ashton cheated, and Sha believed it because she was letting it get to her. Ashton was not cheating, the pictures were taken to make it seem like the girl he was with were dating. Turns out, the girl was his cousin and Sha worried for nothing. They got engaged a year after they got back together, and they got married last year. Sha is pregnant with their first child, a baby girl.

Michael and Crystal got married a little bit after Chloe and Luke. Crystal had two miscarriages before she found out she couldn't have kids. Audrea was kind and helped to be a surrogate for the two. They had a baby girl last year, and her name is Kelsey.

We all were rooting for Andy and Kami to be a thing, but after the Meet You There Tour 5 years ago, Andy left to go tour with another band for the time being and never came back. Kami was heartbroken, but she found another man's and they are happily engaged.

And as for 5sos themselves,  they are still together. They released album 4 three years ago, went on tour for a year and half, and they are currently working on album 5. Everything for everyone is going well. We all settled in California within walking distances of everyone's house. Everything is just perfect.

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