"But know you are in alliance with Daren and that French guy - Philippe, so everything will go smooth" he chucks.

I just glare at him. The room feels with silence.

"I wonder Theo why did you make an alliance with Daren? It's not like you can't take Luciano by yourself." He asks me.

I don't say a word and continue to check the files.

Well honestly I don't need him, I can do it by myself, but the fact that our families were inseparable for ages, but because off this Italian fucker until now we were enemies and now I want to bring that back. It's simple, just like our grand fathers wanted to unite both families in one. Besides I admit I do like Daren, he is the only one who doesn't scare not me not my power.

Well Camila as well, but she just doesn't know about this part of my life and I think it's better to stay away from her. Firstly for her own safety, secondly I don't need any distraction.

I zoned out with all this thoughts and now hear Sebastian is calling for me.

I look at him.

"Men, your phone is ringing." He says simply and goes back to his own phone.

As soon as I see caller ID small smile unintentionally appears on my face.

I pick up.

"Hi love, how do you feel?!" I ask her softly.

"Hi Theo, it's Lexi." Says the voice on the other side of the line. I do remember her.

I say silent waiting for her to speak.

"It's Cam, she just suddenly fall in the middle of the room, she doesn't respond, I don't know what to do." She sounds like she is crying.

I feel my body tense.

"Since you're kind of know what happened in the club I decided to call you, because her brother he doesn't know and if will find out he will..."now she sounds historically.

"Lexi calm down, I'll be at your place in fifteen minutes with Bruce." I say to her firmly.

"Ok." She replies.

I stand up from my desk and deal Bruce. He picks up in a few seconds.

"Yes boss?!"

"Be ready in five,we're leaving." I say and hung up.

Sebastian is looking at me with his cocked eyebrow, while I just move to the door.

Quickly I go to the undergrad parking where Bruce is already waiting for me, Sebastian is following me.

We all get on the car, I start it and drive toward the exit.

"What happened?" Bruce asks simple.

"It's Camil, she passed out in the middle of the room, her friend just called me. You need to check on her." I say firmly while Bruce just nods.

"The girl from the club?" Sebastian asks.

I don't say a word, concentrating on the road.

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