So I tell him about Ben and my internship.

He listens my every word, it's like I'm talking to my dad. Well James is like one to me, since I lost mine. I wish my parents could see me now...

But before we could end the call he asks me.

"So how is everything with Jared?!"

And here we go again...

"What do you mean by that?!" I ask him in response.

"Well, what I mean is have you thought about our last conversation? I mean about Jared and you, about giving it a try."

I already hate this conversation.

"I don't know. There are things that I really want to focus on and start something I'm not sure...I don't know." I'm sure this isn't the response he wants to hear, but I'm honest with him like always.

"I understand, I just want you to be happy Camil that's all that matter to me." He says in a warm tone and I hear the slam of the door.

"Is that Camil?!" I hear Daren's angry voice.

Well here goes nothing. Just talk to him Camil, I tell myself.

"Alright, I gonna go and give phone to your brother, think again about I've just told. Bye sweetheart." With this words James finishes our conversation and now I hear extremely pissed off Daren.

"What the fuck You think you are doing Camil?!" He yells at me.

"Don't talk to your sister like that Daren!" I hear James addresses him sternly.

"I'll talk to her the way I think it's needed James, so Camil fucking mind to explain me what the fuck you think you're doing?!" He barks at me.

"Daren please calm down I don't want to pick another fight with you, I already have a terrible headache since our last conversation." I reply calmly to him, massaging my temple. This headache is killing me and Daren yells don't help at all.

"Calm down?! I fucking can't call down when I call you all day and you don't pick up your fucking phone!" He continues to yell at me and it's like my head is going to blow.

"Daren please,calm down and listen to me, that wasn't on purpose, I was just frustrated because I have a headache since yesterday evening, that's why I forgot my phone at home and this is the reason why I'm back home that early. I know you care about me and you were worried, thats why now you yell at me like a crazy person. I understand, but please understand me too. I didn't do it on purpose to piss you off or something that's was just an accident. As well as there is no need to come here and try to take me home, because I'm not going anywhere. This is what I want and this is what I'm going to do, like it or not, just accept my decision. This is my dream for fuck sake. I want mum and dad to be proud of me and I want you to be proud of me." I say softly, almost whispering the last sentence. He knows it's still hard for me to talk about my parents.


He doesn't say a word.

So am I.

"Alright, I'm not going to take you back today, but please Camil follow the instructions! Call me or James. Besides Jared isn't there with you which makes me a bit nervous." Daren replies with more calm tone.

A bit...yeah....just a bit I think to myself.

"Promise. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Good, now tell me how do you feel?" He asks me in his strict tone, the one I "love" so much.

"All good, I just need to lay down that's all."

"You sure? We should call a doctor or something to check on you." Daren says a bit softly.

"Yeah I'm sure. I'll call you tomorrow." I say to him. He doesn't yell at me, which I assume is a good thing, he isn't coming, which is actually great, but my head is killing me right now. It's like from every move or even a sound I feel unbearable pain.

"Ok, talk to you soon Cam." He says and I hung up.

I pick up my phone once again and now I walk to reply on Theo's message, but I hear a knock on my door.

I get up and go to the door, opening it I look at Lexi while everything around me start to spin.

"Cam here is someone who came to check on you" She says softly.

"Who's that?" I ask her and close my eyes, concentrating on standing straight.

I think my body doesn't want to listen to me and I feel my legs getting weaker.

"Actually it's Raley." Lexi says not sure about my reaction.

But before I could answer to her I feel like my legs getting wobble and I lose all my straight, I putt my right hand on the wall for support and with my left hand I star to massage my temple, hoping this will help the pain go away, but it's not working.

"Cam what's wrong?!" Lexi asks worriedly.

"My head hurts." I reply trying to stand but I can't, my body refuses to listen to me and I just fall on the floor.

"Camil!!!" I hear Lexi's screams.

I try to move but every move and sound make the pain in my head million time worse.

"Raley!" She screams.

I try to move my body but I can't, it doesn't listen me. I try to open my eyes, but there is no result.

"I heard you called me." Raley comes into my room as I hear his voice more clearly.

"It's Camil she just fell!!!" Her voice is full of panic.

"Ok ok Lexi calm down, let's put her on the bed first." Raley says he sounds very nervous.

I can feel every move they make. Every sound make my head arch even more. I try to tell them, but i can't.

Raley comes to me and lifts me up, after few seconds he puts me on my bed. It feels soft.

Lexi is panicking while Raley try to calm her down. All this noise is killing me. I can't do anything my mind slowly starts to black out, but before it does it I putt all my force and whisper.

"My phone."

I'm not even sure if they could hear me.

After a second all my straight leaves me and I pass out.

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