Dealing with Remlits (Twilight x Sky)

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Sky was carefully searching for Mia as the remlit managed to escape again

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Sky was carefully searching for Mia as the remlit managed to escape again. It was night time already so there was no harm if she was outside but it would cause trouble for him and the other heroes if Mia was still inside their house. They learned from previous mistake as the furnitures were almost all trashed before thanks to the creature's sharp claws.

"Mia! Mia! …Where could she be?" Sky stopped walking for a while thinking where the remlit could have went but then he saw Twilight not too far from where he is and to his luck, the remlit he was searching for was there too.

"Twilight! So Mia's here with you. I was worried she was still inside the house." The hero of the sky sighed in relief but then he noticed the remlit was very docile despite it being night time and it puzzled him greatly. "S-She's not attacking you?!" He asked Twilight who shook his head while petting the remlit on its back.

"Not at all, she's actually sweet." Twilight chuckled when Mia snuggled close to him. "Wow! She's so cute! I want to try holding her too! Come here Mia!" Sky extends his arms out for the little remlit to jump into. To his surprise, Mia did lunge towards him but only to visciously attack and scratch him.

"Ow! Oww! Ow!" Sky defended himself as he tries to get the remlit off of him making Twilight sweatdrop. "No, don't attack him." Twilight scolded lightly to Mia as she happily jumped back to his arms again and purred like the cutest harmless creature she is during the day.

"W-Why?!" Sky watched with unbelieving eyes as the remlit turned back to being tamed and cuddling the hero of twilight. "Try to approach her more gently this time Sky. Maybe she got scared of you at first." Twilight explained as he let Sky take another shot at taking the remlit and trying to make it like him.

"Okay.." Sky gulped as he braced himself to try once more. "M-Mia? Come here girl. I promise I won't try to hurt you." He said in a more softer and gentler tone of voice taking precaution as he slowly extends his arms out for the remlit again while smiling brightly. "Keep going, Sky." Twilight encouraged watching to see what the outcome will be.

Mia just seems to really hate the hero of the sky during her transformation at night as she growled ferociously then attacked again with her sharp claws. "Ow! Oww! Twilight heeelp!" Sky was struggling to get the remlit off of him.

"…" Twilight stood still before sighing as Sky's approach was unsuccessful. "Alright that's enough now." He took Mia away from Sky then let the remlit wander somewhere else until tomorrow morning.

"You're good with animals, I envy you." Sky said dejectedly as he tried to brush and fix his hair that got messy from his previous struggle with Mia the remlit. "I guess so, I've always been fond of little creatures like them. Especially cats." Twilight answered then tapped on Sky's shoulder. "Don't let it get to you, you're more capable than I am at some things too. When that time comes then I'll ask for your help." He tried to make the other feel better about himself.

"Thank you and sure you and the others can always count on me!" Sky flashed a goofy grin but then he felt Twilight's hand on his cheek making his entire face go warm and blush. "Twilight?" He called the other's name questioningly and nervously.

"You have a scratch on your cheek. Let me treat it." Twilight went back with Sky inside the house. "You're amazing that even animals like you." Sky commented while Twilight cleaned the scratch wound on his cheek with antiseptic then put a band-aid on it.

"But aren't you even more amazing for making me like you?" Twilight chuckled and smiled in an oh so charming manner as he  pressed his forehead against Sky's. "Y-Y-You like me?" The poor Skyloftian blushed 50 shades of red as he covered his face with his hands. "Of course I do." Twilight rest his head on top of the other hero and Sky responded by scooting closer to him in a warm snuggle.

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