ReAct Part 2 (Yandere! Scarfy x Sky x Time)

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Eversince Time's encounter with Sky, he found himself seeing and talking to the persistent male lately

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Eversince Time's encounter with Sky, he found himself seeing and talking to the persistent male lately. Sky would visit his uncle everyday then go to Time's room after to chat with him even if the younger male was unresponsive and stoic almost all the time, the older didn't give up and persisted to try getting him to open up.

"Look I brought some of your favorite milk." Sky smiled dorkily as he held up one bottle of milk to Time and put the rest on the personal fridge. Time looked at Sky then the bottle before he gratefully reached and take it. "Thank you." He uttered out then drank the content of the glass bottle.  "You're welcome! We're friends by now aren't we?" Sky was unsure if Time did consider him a friend. He hope that at least he does. "Yes.." Time stopped drinking the milk to answer making Sky very delighted from his response. "Okay that's good to know cause I think you're my friend too. By the way you never told me what happened to you.. you don't need to answer if you don't want to but I'm wondering how you got admitted here in the hospital." Sky focused on the bandage wrapped around Time's neck.

"I don't want to talk about it.. I'm tired so can you please leave me alone to rest right now?" The cold and distant words are what Time said to Sky. "I understand. I'm sorry for asking something personal." Sky had no choice but to stand up from beside Time and leave him be for now. Now all alone, Time was silently crying all by himself again. The memories and the pain he felt all reoccuring to him. He even had nightmares about it most of the nights.

"Sky where did you went?" Scarfy asked when Sky returned to his uncle's hospital room since the boy took a long time to get back. "I've been in Time's room." Sky answered honestly. "Don't you think you're kinda sticking your nose in another person's business? Maybe something terrible happened to that guy and he's not ready to communicate with anyone." Scarfy sternly looked at him. "I know but… I want to help him. Even if something did happen in his past." Sky sadly looked away, without him knowing that his words caused a pang of jealousy to strike on Scarfy's heart.

Sky's strong desire to help Time grew as days pass by without him realizing that it was making Scarfy feel neglected and jealous. His uncle soon recovered and was already admitted out of the hospital recently. "Sky? Where do you want to go for our date? Since your uncle's already admitted out of the hospital. I want to spend some time together. Just the two of us." Scarfy hugged Sky from behind, he thought that finally he would have his time all to himself. "Sorry Scarfy.. I don't think I can go with you later. Time has been getting better and if things go well then he might be admitted out of the hospital also. I promise to make it up to you later on" Sky felt bad about rejecting Scarfy's offer for a date but his friend needed him most right now.

"….Why are you so concerned about him?!" Scarfy unintentionally raised his voice, he was frustrated and jealousy's been eating at him. "You don't understand! He needs our… my help. You don't know how his condition is. A nurse told me that he attempted to take his own life!" Sky answered defiantly as his boyfriend couldn't understand his reasons for doing this. "It's fine if you don't understand that." He added before finally leaving the other male alone.

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