Distraction (Ghirahim x Vaati)

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Vaati the villainous wind mage was seated on a couch with a huge frown on his face rethinking the shameful events of his defeat to the green clad hero Link

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Vaati the villainous wind mage was seated on a couch with a huge frown on his face rethinking the shameful events of his defeat to the green clad hero Link. 'Why?! Why did I lose?! I was sure I had the upper hand and everything planned but somehow it still got foiled!' He raged in his mind as his face contorted into a big scowl.

"Hey Vaati?" Ghirahim sweatdropped and gulped as he back away from the small and very ferocious male. "What?!" Vaati hissed out on the edge of his temper. "Don't make such an ugly and scary face." The demon lord commented as he almost wanted to laugh at how the purplette look right now. His face was red in anger and steam was rising off from the mage's head.

"Can't you shut up you fool?! I'm trying to device a plan on how I can defeat that hateful hero." Vaati snapped at his friend before turning back to being silent and deep in thought. 'Finally he became silent.' He states mentally as he focused back on trying to find out Link's weakness and possible strategies against him the next time.

It hasn't even been 10 seconds yet when Vaati almost jumped feeling someone poke his side and lick his cheek. "GHIRAHIIMMMM!!!!" Vaati roared out angrily as he chased the flamboyant fashionista around. He would so murder the demon lord for disturbing him while he was thinking.

"Don't be so mad now~ you looked as red as candied apple when you're mad so I couldn't help but try to have a taste." Ghirahim laughed all the while evading Vaati's wrath. "If I catch you I swear I'll skewer you alive!! Ugh I don't know why I'm putting up with an idiot like you!" The small male cutely stomped his feet on the ground out of rage. Vaati might be someone not to mess with but to Ghirahim? He was just a precious little fluff.

"Ooh so scary~" Ghirahim disappeared for a moment which annoyed the hell out of Vaati before someone tapped his shoulder from behind. "Grr you!!" Before Vaati could attack Ghirahim, the taller one grabbed both of his wrists and stole a peck on the Minish's lips. That caused Vaati to stop and blush even by a bit as it took him by surprise.

"You look so cute like an enraged fluffy purple kitten." The demon lord chuckled as he pulled the purplette into a hug hoping he wouldn't get murdered for it later.

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