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A/N: Happy Halloween! Sorry I haven't been active, I'm studying for my foreign language SAT, which is Saturday AAAAA lmao anyways I just found a pdf version of order of the Phoenix so now I can just write whenever I want instead of constantly going back into the book or having the big book with me all the time

Also the chem teachers were blowing pumpkins up outside and thank god mine let me stay in the D building bc otherwise I would've gotten a panic attack again uwu


Nico tried to find the Divination classroom by himself, making a mental note for where the trio was before going. Harry said it was on the left of the Potions classroom; they would be passing it when they went back to class. So, with that knowledge, Nico now had a spot to shadow travel back to in case he got too lost.

Okay, I can do this. A big tower with too many stairs...big tower...many stairs...

Nico got lost.

He kept walking though, since the bell seemed to be a little late. He passed a wall and froze, turning his head slowly to face it. A door had just materialized out of thin air and it seemed to beckon Nico. It radiated great energy and the design reminded Nico of Hades's palace. He cautiously stepped up to it and touched the door handle. It was...warm. As if a small fire heated it from the other side.

Nico opened the immense door and stepped in. No one was in the room. Actually, nothing was in the room except for a small table with a roll of paper on it, and inside was a single drachma laying in the center. He held it up and examined the golden coin. Turns out it wasn't a drachma, but was one of those wizard coins.

Nico pocketed the single coin and saw that the scroll was a map from this room to the Divination tower. He quickly took that and left, forgetting the strangeness of how the room seemingly knew what he required; instead he focused on learning where the classroom was.

The Divinations professor was that same nutty woman from dinner, but Nico wasn't that surprised. He just hoped she wouldn't predict his future or spew a prophecy in front of everyone—that would be embarrassing. The glasses on her face looked like goggles and the shiver in her voice was constantly mocked at under each student's breath.

Nico was almost late, so he was forced to sit with a blonde haired girl. She stared at him with a disgusted glint in her eye and the corner of her mouth downturned slightly. Before Nico could say anything, the teacher spoke:

"Welcome back, students," she began, glassy eyes trained on Nico. Her words rattled like a kettle's handle rapping on the empty container; she didn't seem to be aware of her own voice. "We are gathered here today to...to learn...the arts...Divination." Nico couldn't keep his eyes off of her crystal gaze. Her eyes were pooling over with Mist. There was no way she could actually foretell the future with all the godly magics clogging her brain; she must've been a very powerful Oracle for even the gods to censor.

"You, boy." She pointed a shaky and scrawny finger at Nico. "Tell me your name."

"Nico di Angelo," he said slowly.

"Transfer from Beauxbatons. McGonagall was very interested in you. Open the book in front of you and tell me the first picture you see."

Nico gave her a funny look and opened the book at a random page. His heart hammered in his ears when he saw the drawing. "The Doors of Death."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I see the Doors of Death."

Trelawney stumbled back a step, bumped into the table, and fell to her knees. The crystal ball fell and rolled to Nico's feet.

The professor slowly got back up, murmuring under her breath. "Trivia...Trivia...Trivia...Trivia..."

The rest of the class was stunned. This wasn't the least bit strange in Nico's experience; it seemed wherever he turned something would happen. First he created a rare potion in Potions because of his demigodly ADHD, then he encounters a magic door, and finally lands in a divination class with an eccentric teacher. Of course something would happen.

Nico didn't respond to the scene before him. He was conscious of the entire class whispering around him, watching Trelawney mutter and murmur to herself. Finally, she snapped her head to Nico's direction, eyes clear of Mist. She grinned.

"Foes bear arms to the Doors of Death," she sneered in a raspy voice. Then, her eyes clouded over once again and she continued the lesson as if nothing had happened.

It was Nico's turn to be stunned now. Flashbacks of Tartarus flooded his mind and he froze, livid. Even when everyone else got over their confusion (fairly quickly, strangely. Did she do this often?) and began to open their books Nico was still paralyzed with fear, his throat burning with the reminder of the hellish liquid he was forced to drink. The girl tried to get his attention, but soon simply huffed and read her book silently.

Eventually Nico snapped out of it and relaxed slightly, catching Harry's curious stare. Nico looked away, training his ears to Harry's conversation with Ron.

"What was that about?"

"Dunno. Scary, innit? You gotta admit there's something up with that di Angelo now, can't you? Devil spawn."

"No. You remember what she did to me in third year? When I got the ball Hermione tossed?"

"Yea, but you're the Chosen One. Who's he? Devil Spawn."

"I really do hope you're joking, Ron. He can hear you."

"Hope he does."

Nico was still a bit ticked at Ron's comments. They were on their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts—ironic to Nico, really—and he was eavesdropping on them again.

"D'ya hear? Nearly Headless Nick got into a fight with the Baron."

"Don't believe everything you hear from Thomas."

Ron groaned and sneaked a peek at Nico. "Di Angelo's following us."

"Probably has DADA with us."

"Blimey, how many classes do we got with this guy?" Ron took out his schedule and studied it. "Should ask him to see."

"That's suspicious. He already knows you don't like him. Anyways, he has all the same classes with us."

"Does he think you like him?"

"I think he's like Sirius. I've made conversation with him before and he seems to be nice enough. He believes me about Voldemort too."

"A Death Eater trying to get chummy with you to spy on would do the same, Harry."

"He's not a Death Eater!" Harry's voice jumped an octave and he quickly caught himself, glancing around and  clearing his throat. "You've never even tried to get along with him. Go talk to him for a sec and see if you hate him after that. I won't believe you until you try."

"Fine, Harry, but you said yourself that he Apparated into Hogwarts last night. I refuse to trust anything like that."

And they arrived. Harry and Ron went in and met with the bushy-haired Hermione, who had already prepared her desk with writing utensils and a textbook. They said their quick hellos and went to the back. Nico followed, very aware of the fact that the class was dead silent. The Pink Thing sat straight with girly purses lips, patiently waiting for class to begin. She watched Nico with a hawk's gaze.

Nico sat behind Ron Weasley in the darkest seat in the room.

"Well, good afternoon!"

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