His eyes widen but he quickly asks, "But we can go to your brother and get some more, right?"

I shake my head sadly, "There's only been one cure in existence and now it's circulating in your veins."

Fred's face drops, "Alexia, I didn't realize..."

"Fred, I did it for you and wouldn't change my decision even if I had the chance to."

Before we can delve into a much deeper conversation, our attention is pulled to outside when we hear a loud crash. We rush out of the Great Hall and into the hallways. 

Our feet hit against the ground as we spot Hermione and Ron running down stairs with the large snake slithering menacingly behind. 

The pair fall onto the rubble below, their feet unable to maneuver around the obstacles and forcing them onto the ground. Mr. Weasley begins charging forwards in attempts to protect his boy as the snake opens its mouth wide towards its prey.

Neville comes barreling out of nowhere with a gleaming sword in his heads. He throws his hands down, forcing the sword to cut right through the snake's skin. We all stand stunned, prepared to watch the head detach from the body. Instead, Nagini turns to an ashy substance that dissipates out into the air. 

The black smoke rises upwards, carrying tones of screeching as the last Horcrux is destroyed. I make my way over to Ron, who is fiercely holding Hermione in his arms. "Where's Harry?"

He looks behind the large rocks behind him to where there is a bright flash of blinding light. My feet start taking me to the source with the rest following behind. There we see two beams of light battling head to head for dominance. 

In mere seconds, Harry's beam encloses on Voldemort's vulnerable figure. Now with only one piece of soul attached to his body, the rebounded curse inflicts itself onto him. We all watch silently as the dark entity collapses into nothingness. 

Any and all survivors slowly filter into the space, looking at where an enemy once stood proudly and confidently. The remaining death eaters flee in fear, yet all carry a worrisome look knowing that their freedom is limited. 

Without the company of his parents, Draco and Astoria walk next to me and look at the battlefield with the sole victor standing strong. Astoria asks the one question we are all thinking, "Is it really over?"

Our eyes train on Harry who turns around, two wands clutched in his right hand, and looks at us with as much relief as he can muster. Ginny runs forward to tackle him in a hug, thrilled that he's alive and in one piece. 

The heaviness that once weighed us down quickly relieves our bodies as it disappears into thin air. Everyone remains still, afraid that the smallest of movements will affect the outcome.

Slowly but surely, chatter erupts across the sea of students, faculty, and other brave individuals who risked their lives just so Hogwarts could remain to witness this historic moment. 

Some people filter back inside to tend to those still injured while some begin cleaning up the mess that will take plenty of time to reverse. I watch as Ron and Hermione make their way to Harry.

Harry's eyes meet my own and he nods his head over, encouraging me to join. I glance over my shoulder at Fred who ushers me to go on.

Once I greet the trio, we begin walking towards the destroyed bridge. 

"Why didn't it work for him...the wand?" Hermione asks, interested in knowing the answer. 

Harry peers down at the slim, yet powerful wand resting in his hand, "It answered to somebody else. When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his. The thing is, the wand never belonged to Snape. It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the astronomy tower. From that moment on, the want answered to him."

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