"Y verbena," Parker said and Claudia stopped in her tracks. She looked scared for a second, as she should be. Vervain was a dangerous subject for vampires, most not even knowing it existed. Claudia turned away, opened the tank of oil and doused the two bodies in it. She turned on the lighter and threw it onto the bodies. Within seconds, a small fire blazed and consumed the evidence left on the bodies.

"Do we know who it is?" Claudia whispered, and Parker ran a hand through her hair.

"Someone on the S.T.R.I.K.E. Team," Parker said, before a sigh left her mouth. Honestly, discovering that Rumlow had vervain had been a surprise but when she learned he was part of HYDRA, she was shocked. Claudia kicked the ground and muttered "Mierda." Parker chuckled lightly, amazed at how this information of freaking spies in S.H.I.E.L.D. had gotten past two vampires. Claudia stomped to her car and gave Parker a glare.

"Whoever this espia is, I better not have fondued with them," Parker only raised an eyebrow and opened the door to her own car.

"I highly doubt that you haven't fondued with them," Parker said, only hearing a gasp in response.

"Whatever Clemente Quinn Parker, I know your secrets!" Claudia shouted. Parker knew Claudia was playing it off like she wasn't upset but deep down she was worried. What could this mean for them? Fury already had his eye on her and he would come straight to her for any supernatural topics.

"That you do," Parker said, before she dialed one of her "Munchkins" to clean up the mess.

"Hey Clyde, I got two for you near..."


He was lost. That was all he knew. He also knew the alley smelled like blood, a coppery smell that made him want to vomit. He didn't understand. He'd woken up in a hospital with his sister, Cass, telling him that things had changed.

They were different. Immortal. That seemed to be her favorite word nowadays. They were vampires, blood-suckers, killers.

And he honestly did not want to be a murderer. Once, he killed a cactus and started crying for a day. His sister told him he was ridiculous, like she did a few hours ago when he said he felt guilty.

She was different now, emotionless. He'd seen her kill 10 people now, not even looking at their faces and just ripping into their thin necks with her newly-extended canines.

He wanted to stop. He did. But he couldn't. The blood was too tempting, he thought.

Yet, that didn't stop him as he licked his lips. His eyes locked onto his second victim of the night.



Parker kept her shades on as she leaned against the brick wall of a flower shop. She breathed in through her nose, noticing the heavy scent of blood and sweat coming from the street next to her. She got up and followed the scent at a slow pace. She occasionally glanced at the iPhone in her hand. She knew it was a baby vamp she was dealing with, but she didn't know how reckless they might be.

Suddenly, she stopped as she heard the sound of muffled moans and the gulps of drinking blood. Her eyes narrowed and she once again felt the veins rise, but she gently bit her tongue to get under control.

Focus, Parker. Now is not feeding time.

She walked quietly as she could and peered over to see the hunched form of a person, or in this case, vampire. She pulled her vervain gun from her boot, and gently raised it.

"Take another sip and I won't just shoot you through the heart."

The boy scrambled up, his eyes a deep red with veins underneath, like Parker's. Except for the part that Parker's tribrid irises turned gold instead, but that wasn't important. Blood dripped down his pale face and onto his dirt covered shirt, and Parker shook her head in mock-disgust at the sight.

"Conor," The sound of his name made him freeze, "What happened? Do you know what you've done?" Parker said as she stepped slightly forward. The red-headed boy's eyes started to swell with tears and he hurriedly wiped the blood from his lips with the back of his hand.

"I didn't mean to, I swear...How-how do you know my name?" He asked, tugging a piece of his curly ginger hair as he walked backwards. His eyes were moving all over the place and he seemed anxious.

"Don't run, I will pull this trigger," His eyes glanced to the gun, filled with fear, "I'm from the agency that found you...the one with the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D." At the name, his eyes widened in recognition.

"I-I don't remember, I was asleep," Conor said as he rubbed his arms furiously. He was wearing light clothes, different from the ones he was in at the Infirmary. Instead, his clothes have countless spots of blood on them. Parker nodded and took his confusion as a sort of innocence and put the gun back.

"You were, you were in a coma. I told your sister not to do this but...she didn't want to go on without you, I suppose," Parker replied and leaned down to feel his victim's pulse. She was unconscious and Parker went to bite into her wrist. She glimpsed at Conor, noticing how scared and guilty he looked.

"Do you want to save this woman's life, Conor?" Parker whispered. Conor nodded immediately and Parker signaled him to bend down. She looked him straight in the eyes, before she glanced to the pale woman next to her.

"Vampires, because that is what you are now, their blood can heal people. Fast," Parker met his eyes again, opting not to compel him, and he squinted in doubt, "I need you to bite into your wrist and feed it to her." Conor's eyes widened and he almost fell back in shock.

"No...that's, that's impossible." When Parker only raised an eyebrow, he gulped, "How can I trust you when you were threatening to shoot me?"

"Good question, is this a sufficient answer?" Parker asked, allowing her monster face to take over. That was the name she had when she showed off her tribrid face. Conor seemed even more confused but he nodded anyway.

"Yes, that was...a good answer. So, I just-" Parker nodded when he raised his wrist to his teeth. He breathed in shakily before he bit down. His blood trickled out and Parker grabbed his wrist, and moved it to the woman's lips. Slowly, they watched as she began to gain her color back and they both heard her heart beginning to pump faster. The woman choked and gasped for air, and Parker gently lifted her up. Conor was still looking at his wrist in amazement and watched as the wound healed. Parker grabbed the woman's shoulders and kept eye contact as she started to compel her.

"You were at a bar and you began to drink after a hard day at work. A guy was making you uncomfortable, so you went outside but he followed you. He approached you and you told him off, but he kept coming. I punched him in the face and helped you into a taxi. You are going to go home now," Parker said, the story so easy for her after a million times doing it.

"I am going to go home," The woman repeated, her voice slow and her eyes dazed. Conor was standing now, and he avoided looking at the woman as Parker called a taxi. When the woman had finally left, Parker placed a hand on his shoulder. He was a few inches shorter than her and he still exuded a kind, innocence about him. She wanted to protect him as if he were one of her brothers.

"I want you to be okay, Conor. I need you to trust me, I'm here to make sure you don't die. I can help you," Parker said and Conor sighed.

"I don't want to kill anyone," He whispered looking at the ground. Parker smiled softly before she threw an arm around his shoulder.

"You won't have to," She replied simply and at this his eyebrows scrunched together as he got into her car.

"Where are we going?" Conor asked after he buckled his seatbelt. Parker grinned and pulled out of the alley.

"We are going to Oz."


Hello lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I would love to hear your thoughts, so make sure to leave a comment. Hope you enjoyed that Salvatore mention in the beginning. As much as I love The Originals, the Salvatores are the OG brothers! Vote, follow and stay tuned!



"Look around and see if eyes are on us"-Spanish

"What happened? You have been acting weird since yesterday"-French

"Spies in S.H.I.E.L.D." -Spanish

"And vervain." -Spanish

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