Chapter 1

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 August 26th, 2013

Washington D.C.

She woke up out breath, panting from her nightmare. Just thinking about the past...about her life before gave her stomach pains, breathing pains, all kinds of pains.

That sounded stupid considering what exactly she was, but it's true.

As much as she wanted to outrun the horrors she had faced decades ago, she just had to put it out of mind for now. And Clemente Quinn Parker had a perfect way to do this, she thought to herself as she lifted the covers off of her and walked into the bathroom.

The Most Important Things in Her Immortal Life Today, an imaginary list made by Parker:

- Keeping job

- Keeping secrets

- Watching out for "Munchkins" (who are definitely not munchkins)

- (Trying to) Keep in touch with brothers

- Making sure Claudia does not commit homicide(s)

- Not liking/like-liking Evan Shore. Agent Evan Shore. (He's an agent, fyi)

And that was that. Ah. Six lovely things to think of before the day started. She smiled her best smile in the bathroom mirror before running her fingers through her mid-length wavy light brown  as she attempted to get rid of any knots. Now, to start this wonderful Monday off: A "fresh" meal.

Parker, as she preferred to be called nowadays, hummed as she walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a clear plastic bag with dark red liquid inside from her collection. She pulled a mug with her company's eagle symbol on it from the "clean dishes" pile and poured the red liquid into it,  popping it into the microwave. After 10 impatient seconds, she was finally able to drink her once-alive meal.

Oh, did she forget she was a vampire? Well technically, she was more than that. 

Her lovely mother, Jacqueline, had been one of the most powerful witches of the Gemini Coven. Her father, well...

All she knew was that one day, she killed someone(s) and her life, and her perception of what exactly she was, forever changed. Which was pretty shocking considering she had been raised as a witch by her mother.  

Her supernatural nature, or rather natures, were not only unique to her but also to her brother. Her twin brother, who for the past couple of years had gone by the name Aiden Parker, had shifted...turned after Parker. Which was quite amusing, considering that Parker now looked slightly older than him even though she was in reality, the younger twin.  

But at least she wasn't alone in the experience of being confused AF about what the hell she was. I mean, there had been hybrids before, right? Wrong.

Their mother had been no help at all either, since she enjoyed her secrets. Now, the two twins lived their lives consumed with semi-managed bloodlust and having never been able to break their Mother's curse that prevented them from transforming into werewolves. Her chest clenched as she thought of the way the universe had taken her Mother from her but she drank another gulp to push it from her mind.

Reflecting on all of this, Parker sat out on her deck, having a perfect view of D.C. She, the woman who never stayed in one place for long. The woman who worked for that weird Avengers company (What was it again? Oh that's right, S.H.I.E.L.D.)

The young woman who made a promise to Margaret Carter back in 1947, the woman who never got old.

Some twisted kind of comedy story this was.

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