The defeat was so clear in her voice that it surprised even her. This was why she didn't ever want people counting on her.

"You didn't fail, J," Ashton said. Jade didn't believe him. He had no idea what had happened during class. He hadn't seen any of it.

"I did, Ash," Jade insisted. "Michael saw me lose my shit and he looked at me like I was some fragile doll and he-" She was about to tell him that Michael had called her Ariel and Little Mermaid, but decided it was too embarrassing.

"And what?" Ashton offered her his cigarette, but Jade turned it down. That was a first.

"And I don't want to see him again. It's humiliating."

Ashton sighed. He knew all about Jade and her trust issues. Jade knew that he considered himself lucky, because he was literally the only person in the world whom she trusted. Ashton also knew about Jade's bizarre need to keep up her reputation of the scary chick. He teased her about it and Jade hated it.

Because if she didn't keep up that reputation, then people would know that she wasn't scary. She was just scared.

"J, you can't avoid him. Especially now that he's in two of your classes."

God damn Mr. Baker to the deepest pits of hell. If it hadn't been for him and his perverted jokes and glances, Jade wouldn't be in any class with Michael.

"Tell you what," Ashton smiled and turned in his seat to face her. "You keep up your tough girl act and be a bitch to Michael and he'll leave you alone. How's that sound?"

Tough girl and bitch. Sounded just like Jade.

But Jade got a better idea. "I'm putting my nose ring back in," she said. "Along with other things."

Jade used to have multiple facial piercings, but she had taken them all out when her mom just about begged her one night. Jade couldn't even remember the reason why. But those piercings were her armor, they made her feel safe, and she needed them.

Ashton's smile grew bigger. "That's my girl."

And then they were quiet again. Ashton smoked his cigarette and Jade closed her eyes against the car seat. Their friendship was the only peaceful thing in Jade's life.

Jade walked in the trailer an hour later. She had fallen asleep in the car and Ashton didn't wake her, saying that she looked like she needed it. So he spent his hour in the car while Jade slept.

Now, Jade's mom was passed out on the small couch, with an empty wine bottle next to her. Jade sighed and draped a thin blanket over her, bending down to kiss the cold skin on her forehead.

Jade changed into her work uniform and met Ashton back in the car, who was smoking yet another cigarette and still waiting. Sometimes Jade felt bad about making Ashton her own person chauffeur, but Ashton said he'd rather drive her around than anyone else.


Work was awful. Not because of any nasty customer, but because Jade herself felt awful. It was almost 5 pm and the sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach was only growing. It felt horrible.

She wasn't hungry, she was well hydrated, she wasn't face to face with Michael. She couldn't figure out why she felt the way she did.

One more hour, she reminded herself. She could do it.

That was until the floor rushed up to her face and everything went black for a second. Then she heard the commotion around her and felt the pain just above her eyes.

"Jade, can you hear me?" she heard a feminine voice say.

She tried to open her eyes but the light was so bright. It hurt.

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