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shae's wheelchair is stopped next to oliver's bed, her arms crossed on the mattress so she can prop up her chin. she smiles when he opens his groggy eyes. "how are you feeling?"

his eyes search her face, but then he smiles at her a little. "alright."

his voice sounds strange. it doesn't sound the same as it did in their dreamspaces. she frowns. "is your throat alright?"

he blushes, his eyebrows knitting in frustration, and immediately she knows she's made some kind of mistake. she tries to backpedal before she upsets or embarrasses him further. "i mean, you sound fine and all."

"not good talking," he says, the words fragmented and unsure, and shae thinks she understands.

she pats his hand. "well, you don't have to talk, then. believe me, i can do enough talking for the both of us."

this earns a smile from him. she sighs, stretching her arms back behind her head. "i still haven't seen some of the others, like eloise and kai. and i want to go home. i have a cat who's waiting for me. and i want to get out of this damn chair."

oliver points to her legs. "okay?"

"yeah, they're fine," she assures. "but i have to strengthen the muscles so they can hold me again, or something."

he just gazes at her, and she can't tell if he doesn't have anything to say, or if he just can't get the words out. the silence is okay, though. after everything, silence is one thing she can handle.

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