"Well he does..." She said pursing her lips.

"I don't care lil girl." I said. Then continued to do what I was doing. 5 minute have past and her room is all clean, I raced down down stairs then grabbed the BMW keys.

"Ayee were you going?" Armon asked this nigga pop up every place I got.

"To the mall real quick I want some new clothes." I said collection my items to get ready to go.

"Get some grocery's." Armon said giving me his card.

"Bet." I said walking towards the BMW, I got then turned up the music then my cousin tamika started calling me for the first time in months.

"Zonique, you still with Armon?" She asked.

"Yeah....why?" I asked.

"Girl I was just thinking about him, tell him to call me he got my number if you act up, I'm surprised he ain't left you, and I went by your apartment and you weren't there." She said I took a deep breath then replied.

"Me and Armon bought a house and he don't even like you." I said almost snapping. "Bitch you always got something to say with yo buy 1 get 1 free weave." I said.

"Bitch don't get cocky cause Armon buy your broke ass shit. But if you were a real woman you'd work for what you want." She said.

"Bitch work? You work the fucking corner get a real fucking job maybe you don have to get an abortion every month." I said.

"Bitch how dare you talk about my kids like that, ask your dude which one is his." She said.

"Girl Armon don't want your bad built self get on somewhere." I said and hung up. I started up the car and pulled up to the mall, I went into finish line and bought me, Armon, and Zion some shoes. After I got done with that I went into forever 21 and got some jeans and crop tops. I went up to the register to buy my clothes and when I get there I see Ashley, I didn't say anything I just stood there I didn't want to do to much with her.

"Look Who it is, the boyfriend stealer." Ashley said walk up to me slowly.

"I didn't steal your boyfriend, he broke up with you cuz you cheated so move around boo, broads always wanna y'all shit." I said rolling my eyes.

"Sweetie I don't know who you talking to cause it must not be me."Ashley said with a ghetto accent like it was scaring me.

"Why the fuck you talking like that?" I asked.

"I always talk black so gone on." She said.

"How do you sound or act blac- get out my face." I grabbed my bag.


(At home)

I had just gotten back. From getting groceries so I called Armon so that he can come get them.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Come get these bags." I said.

"Wait I'm put up the trampoline." He said and I can here Zion in the background.

"Why does she need a trampoline?" I asked with a sigh.

"You a buggin ass broad." Armon said.

"Shut up talking to me." I said with an attitude.

"Z chill out cause you ain't gone be sing the same tune when you bending over in the shower." Armon said making me gasp.

"....just come get the bags....please." I said.

"Mhm...changing the subject but I'm bout to come." Armon said walking out the house without a shirt on, man he was fine. Who wouldn't bend over in the shower for him. He grabbed all the bags in each of his hand and carried them in the house like it was nothing and I follow behind.

"Babe look at the shoes I bought me, you, and Zion." I said. Showing him the shoes.

"These sexy." He said. "Almost as much as your panties....oh oh what you wanna do for your birthday next month?" Armon asked, i was going to be turning 18 finally, it felt like I've been 17 forever.

"Umm...stay at home with you and Zion and order Chinese food, I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders, I didn't really celebrate my birthday, ever since my parents died.

"How about we go to your parents grave, put down some flower....only if you want to." He said holding back.

".....yeah." I said and laid my head in him.


I changed you💕Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat