Chapter 18

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(Zonique) POV

Lately I've been feeling like somebodies watching me, theirs always like this fat white dude everywhere I go it's kinda annoying, he be wearing the same thing in the same pose and never speaks to me just stares me down. I'm at the store as if right now and he's over there in the freaking corner looking at me, so I walk up to the fool being bold.

"Excuse me sir, could you stop looking at me....please." I said, but he ain't say nun. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I paid for my groceries and walked outside to my rental car.


I was in the kitchen putting up the groceries, I had the house all to myself cause Zion was with our grandmother who lived in Florida, and no more Armon so it was hella peaceful. I laid in my bed watching Star and eating some chip. I slowly drifted to sleep.

I jumped up then out of nowhere I felt a bag go over my head, i began yellin and kicking uncontrollably, then I felt a cold metal hit my head, everything went black.

                           (2 hours later)

"Bitch wake up!" I heard somebody yell, I looked up and saw a man who resembled Brandon.

"W-were am I?" I said feeling horrible I touched my head and noticed I had a huge slit on the side of my head.

"Damn you a pretty broad, I see why the boys was fighting of you." He said grabbing my face. "Do you know why your here?" He asked.

"N-no." I said. "C-can I leave?" I asked.

"Hell no, you better get used to this lil room, you gone be here for a while." He said making me cry. I looked around the room, it had a small that one of my hands were hand cuffed to the rail, no windows, and a small toilet. Just the thought of being killed made me cry even whores.

(Armon) POV

I've been looking out and there still no sighs of war, August stopped calling me, my corners are doing good and so is my warehouses, ain't no stealing, fighting, killing, nothing. I sat down on my couch and dialed zoniques number, yes I'm still trying to get in her good grace, I'm a very determined person so if I say I'm going to get someone then imma get them PERIODT and that's facts. She didn't answer, I called again still no answer, this was normal for her not to answer cause she's mad at me, but usually she don't let it ring she just immediately hangs up, I grab my shoes and headed over to her apartment.

                        (Zoniques House)

I walked up her stairs and saw her door wide open I walked in and looked around, her house was trashed I went into we room and blood was on her bed, i couldn't believe my eyes. I did a little more investigating then realized August must've done done this. I grabbed my phone and called up August but he ain't answer, walked out of Zoniques apartment making sure i lock the door.

(Zonique) POV

I laid on the cold bed then the door slammed open and the girl Armon cheated on my walked in with a grin on her face.

"Mhm you fucked up my face look at yours." She laughed.

"Bitch yours is ugly without a gash." I said and she stopped laughing

"Little Girl don't talk shit if I can end your life in 2 seconds." She said.

"I rather die than be with pippy long stalkings." I said.

"Ha ha I see why your "man" don't want you." She said.

"That's cool, I'll get over it." I said.

"If you live." She said walking out. I laid down looking at the ceiling thinking about everything, Zion, Armon, my parents, live in general. I silently cried.

(Taylor) POV

I kno i seem like a grimy hoe, but at first I really wasn't playing Armon, I saw him in the club and wanted him, then I met August and he gave me money to set Armon up, to bad my child won't have it's father. Yep I'm pregnant and it's either Armon or James baby, James is my boyfriend, but he knows about this little relationship with Armon, it's putting a roof over our head so he ain't mad. That little bitch in that room get on my nerves, I don't understand why he wants her, she's not even Armons type and I see now that Armon ain't changed so why he even care.

"When we gone kill that bitch, she get on my nerves." I said.

"Be patient, Armon just called me, I think he knows." August said, I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"We should've took his mama, he don't care bout her, he just don't want Brandon to be happy." I said trying to hype up August. No lies Brandon was fine not as fine as Armon but fine, I tried to fuck with him but he said. "I. Don't fuck with white girls." But if he did he'd never go back.

"Shut up!" August yelled.



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