Chapter 8

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(Zoniques) POV

I just dropped off Zion at school and now I'm heading towards school, i would catch a ride with keke and James but there riding with Armon and mason. I walk into the school yard to wait for keke and James, keke and Ashley are holding hands like (bestfriends) she knows i don't like Ashely but she still hangs out with her, i didn't let it get to me, James is behind them on his phone, he don't like her too. Keke and Ashley walk up to me.

"Zonique yo ass know better too be messing around with ha man, you being a hoe!" Keke said mugging me. Now everybody was looking at us.

"Keke why you coming up to me with some bull?" I said, trying to walk away but she pushes me back.

"Bitch answer her question!" Ashely yelled, i looked at bith if them and laughed.

"Ion know why y'all in my face, and you supposed to be my bestfriend." I told keke.

"I don't want to be bestfriends with no hoe." Keke said.

"I'm not a hoe so i don't know why you wasting yo time calling me one, so you really can move along." I said.

"Bitch yo dumb ass will get dragged!" Keke yelled.

"I'm dumb but bitch yo copy all my work, homework, and projects, you the dumb ass here!" I yelled back. "Bitch drag me." I said, she got quiet.

"Bitch you only saying that so you can not sound scared." Ashley said making no sense what so ever.

"No I'm forreal, Get out my fucking face." I said pushing past her and Ashley, James followed behind me.

"Keke you fucked up and fake." James said walking away from her.

(3 period)  science

When me and we're besties she'd sit next to me in all my classes just to copy, she look lost as fuck now since she don't have me, and Ashley dumb so she can't copy her, Keke looks over at me and gives me that "i need you" look but i just kept looking at my paper. When she tries looking at my paper i flip it around. She gets out a price of paper a rights something on it, she passes it to me.

Dear bestfriends,

I'm so sorry for discing you outside plz forgive me, can you help me plz? 

Sincerely~ keaira

I read, balled up the paper a threw it away. And looked at her and shook my head, with a smile of course.

"Why you acting like that?" She whispered to me.

"Why would you copy a dumb ass." I replied. I got up and turned in my work, mrs.Archer gave me another assignment.

"Ok since your my best student i need you to run down to the office and show our new student around, and your next work sheet you don't have to do." She told me, i was happy ion gotta do the work and i get to leave class, i grabbed my phone off my desk and walked towards the office, when i got there it was some guy who had caramel skin, light brown eyes and pink lips.

"Hi my name is Brandon." He said and stuck out his had.

"Hi my name is zonique." I said with a smile and shook his head. We walked out of the office and roamed the school, i told him every thing he needed to know about our school.

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