Chapter 12

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(Armon) POV

I was sitting in vip with two strippers, kandy and Phoenix, well that's atleast there stripper name. Kandy is a light skinned girl with long blonde hair, and big brown eyes, she cute but I can't have no stripper for a girl, Phoenix is a thick brown skinned girl, with red finger waves, I wouldn't date her cu she had 5 kids and she 20, she was doin some mad hoeing. The girls were squeezing on my dick, Phoenix got up and started grinding on my dick, i was now hard asf, i started smacking both of there asses, then they took me to a private vip, and started taking my clothes off, I checked my pockets for a condom cause, these the type of hoes who get pregnant and then take all ya money and I don't want kids periodT.

"Mhm you want to be my baby daddy?" Phoenix said seductively.

"No, i just wanna fuck." I said looking at her crazy, she rolled her eyes, I slipped the condom on and then pulled down both Phoenix and kandys panties, I looked over at Kandys pussy, it was dark, hairy, loose, and wet, her shit looked like it got fucked by 6 niggas at the same time, I didn't know were she was.

"Do you got sum? Cuz that ain't right." I asked.

"Boy don't worry bout that, this gone be the best pussy you'll ever get.

"Nah, I'm bout to leave cuz I ain't catching shit cuz no damn stripper, son." I said and walked out the room they were in and went back over to my booth, we're monti and mason were.

"My son having threesomes now!" Mason said out loud, causing people to look.

"Hell nah nigga dem bitch looked like they had sum deadass," I said with a serious expression.

"Nigga you wildin, pussy is pussy." Monti said.

"You probably probably just want me to be apart of the clap committee." I said with a slight laugh. I was looking around and saw someone familiar, it was my ex girlfriend in middle school, Taylor, taylor is a white girl with red hair, feckless, tall, and kinda thick.

"Omg is that you Armon?" She said coming up to me for a hug.

"Oh shit wassup, you look good." I said examining her.

(1 hour later)

Me and Taylor sitting in my car talking about shit. She was a cool ass female, the reason why we broke up in middle school is cuz she called me a nigga and at the time I went to a school were majority of the kids were white so I really didn't want to be black nor Puerto Rican, but she call herself calling me out in front of all my white buddies😂 so I broke up with her.

"SO is there anything new in your life? Like girlfriend, kids, anything?" She asked.

"No not really I got a girl but that's it." I said.

"Oh really, who?" She asked.

"Her name zonique." I said, not really wanting to talk about her cuz I didn't want to mess up my chance of fucking Taylor but I rather tell the truth than lie.

"Mhm how she look?" She asked.

"She short, dark ski-." She cut me off.

"YOU date a dark girl, I thought you thought they were ugly?" She said sounding surprised.

"I mean I done grew up now, and It don't matter that much, but I prefer white girl ya feel me ma." I said looking her up and down.

"Armon I know for a fact you don't want that bitch, you using her, but when your done just know I'm down, with or without you guys being in a relationship, i don't care." She said pulling me into a kiss, we started taking off our clothes, I didn't remember Taylor being this freaky. I start to fuck her and she gets all loud, then my phone rings I decline it cuz it was zonique, probably calling with some bull shit. While I'm balls deep in Taylor zonique keep blowing up my phone, it's like she know when I'm cheating.

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