Chapter 3

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The next day
(Zonique pov)

last night was.....CRAZY i really hate when he degrades someone then he get thirsty and wanna be all in yo face, i dont understand him. he been texting me but ive been ignoring him cuz i figured he only wants one think and that isnt were my mind set is. i got up out of bed to go take a shower, and do all my hygiene things. when i got out my phone was going off.

"hello?" i answered

"so why aint you been answering my texts?" the person said.

"the fuck is this?" i asked

"nigga its armon." said with an attitude.

"i was in the shower." i said telling half the truth.

"now why you lying? you been in the shower for 3 hours?" he asked.

"....well some of it is true." i said.

"you wanna come over?" he asked, i aint want to come over cuz he is irking.

"Only for a hour though." I said with a sigh. I pulled on some casual clothes. I walked to the subway to catch a faster ride to his house. People were asking for money and doing lil extra stuff for cash, the usual. When i got off the subway i exited the station and walked a couple of blocks finally reaching armon big ass house. I walked up to the nicely decorated porch and rang the door bell. A women came to the door who looked like a maid, she was a pretty Mexican girl, brown hair and light brown eyes.

"Umm is Armon here?" I asked the women.

"Yeah who what's to know?" She said in and accent.

"Me." I said trying to be patient, she rolled her eyes and press a button that was on the wall. Armon came down the stairs with nothing but grey sweat pants🤪 i looked down at his bulging dick print, i was shocked it was a monster. "And he thought that was going in me." I said In my head.

"Wussup mama." He said. I smiled then brushed pass his maid who had a major attitude but i ain't pay it no mind. Me and Armon walked towards his living room, we sat down and talk about him. THE USUAL.

"So why don't you live with yo parents?" He asked i started getting in my feelings cause it was a very sensitive topic for me.

"Umm.....they died 2 years ago from a fire, me and my sister went to go live with my aunt but she didn't want us either so i had to fend for me and my sister ever since." I broke into tears. Armon held me in his arms.

"I'm sorry ma, i ain't know." He said.

"It's not your fault." I said wiping my tears, I've never told anyone that but James and keke. We sat in the same position til armons maid came over and made like she was picking something up just so she could put her flat ass in his face. Armon was looking at it to, i rolled my eyes and sat up.

"Can we watch a movie?" I asked Armon, he nodded his head.

"Wanna watch the first purge?" He asked.

"Sure." I said. He pulled me aback down with him.

"Melissa Go get us some cover, wine, and popcorn." He told her. She got up huffing and puffing. She came back gave us our things, she gave me a quick stare and then walked away, bitch is crazy. We began watching our movie, Armon was tryna be slick and slip a finger or two in my pants, but i pulled them out quickly i heard him smack his teeth, i giggled. He a fucking pervert.

"Mane you boring." He said trying to get his fingers in again. But it wasn't happening.

"How, cuz i won't let you finger me?" I said.

"Hell yeah, it'll feel good." He said trying to kiss me.

"We not Together so no." I said. Looking at the tv.

"We could be Together." He said.

"Boy you a hoe." I stood him with a laugh. I then felt something rock hard on my butt. I jumped.

""What was that?" I said confused as hell. Armon began laugh.

"Nigga chill I'm hard, no come and sit on my face." He starts busting out laughing turning red, i rolled my eyes and got back under the cover with him. I fall asleep on his chest.

(Armon) POV

Me and zonique watching a movie and she done fell asleep on me. I pick her up and carry her up and carry her to my room, i lay her on the bed, wipe of the little makeup she had on, put her on some of my boxers and one of my Nike shirts. I ain't gone lie i changed her cuz i wanted to see her body, her pussy looked tight and fat i can't wait to get in that. I hope she don't think we will ever date i only said we could date cuz i wanted to fuck, but obviously she didn't fall for that, plus I'm to fine for her.

I go down stairs and see Melissa sweeping my living room. She looking sexy as fuck but she just real crazy, she smiles at me and walks over.

"It looks like you had a long day let me help you out." She gets on her knees and starts to suck my dick.

(30 mins later)

I was tired from that lil quickie me and Melissa did. I walked up stairs and went into my room i took a long shower, brushed me teeth and went straight to bed.


I know i haven't been posting like i usually do but I'm going to start posting
loves a drug💊 on: saturday's, Sunday's, and Monday's

I changed him💕 on: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays

And fridays are my days off.😁

I changed you💕Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora