11 - Lurch

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Lise prods around for a construct holding her in the undermind but finds nothing. Either Elineal is of far greater skill than she estimated, or she is keeping her under by some other method. She suspects drugs. It's the simplest answer, seeing as she is in possession of other healing medicines.

Unfortunately—if her suspicion is correct—she can do nothing about it directly. I could hold Elineal under so that she can't administer the drug... She shakes her head. Last resort.

She watches as the children begin to wake and move about the room. The child who is near to dwelling steps back into the empty space, and she surmises that there must be another room past it in reality. He is probably the shrine-keeper—or at least a trainee—seeing as none of the other children go beyond the empty space. In fact, they seem to be keeping their distance from that end of the room.

Perhaps I can talk with him, get an idea of what's going on on the other side. She thinks, but remains dubious. If he were a dweller, she'd be able to communicate with him without difficulty, but she's never tried with someone on the edge. It will probably be easier to do while he is sleeping, and she can't afford to squander her energy just yet.

She approaches the empty space, considering using it. If she enters, she can create without reality's interference. It would be more efficient to do so, but entering empty space is risky. And ever more so for the muddled mind. The simplest of stray thoughts could send her spiraling into chaos.

Lise steps into empty space. Fool.

She floats, weightless, in the vast whiteness. Fear fraught thought freezes her. Paralyzed by terror of past failure. She halts her mind, holding it from racing beyond her grasp. She withdraws.

Lise collapses to the floor, trembling. She can't do it. She feels the desolation creeping up. Not worth it. Not worth it. Not worth it. Clutching her arms for a semblance of security—she silently begs the darkness to leave her.

Gradually, her composure returns. I can't do that. I need to remain in control. I'm already on shaky ground and I'm doing myself no favors. She resolves to play it safer until she can wake up. Undue risk won't do.

'The empty space frightens you.'

Lise leaps to her feet, searching for the source of the voice. The door is open. A man? Her eyes dart to an indistinct figure, then widen. He steps in front of her, illusion cast off. He is a man of average height, fair skin, and pale brown hair. His eyes, yellow-green, stare through her. She recognizes his gentle face—but much as with Elineal, can't recall from where.

'I escaped her.' He explains.


'I escaped her,' he repeats. 'Elin tried to imprison me. I escaped her.'

Lise takes a step back. Something is off. 'I don't understand.'

'I can show you.' He smiles.

'Show me what? How to escape?'

'How I was imprisoned.'

Before she can react, he reaches up and presses his hands to either side of her head. She tries to jerk free from his grasp, but she trips and falls back, pulling him with her into empty space. Control is gone from her before she can even...

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