Chapter 21

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Ekkia's P.O.V

The tunnel was at least one meter wide and dark. it seemed to go up and after a while we broke out into the open air of outside. Suddenly I turned only to come face to face with a friend, next to me Jackson and Fletcher bowed.

"Sapphire Anne" Jackson said

"Whoa hold on Julia is your Dux" I almost shouted

"Julia?" Fletcher asked confused

"Her" I pointed at Julia or 'Sapphire Anne' as they were calling her

"Well yeah it's kind of a long story" she smiled

"You should have told me" I said looking up at Julia's pretty face "We could have ruled the world together"

She laughed before turning serious again.

"Yeah well it seems that after injuring one of my guards Izzy has gone and gotten herself lost along with Ryan down there" Julia sighed

"That sounds about right" I laughed but then added "You know Ryan's evil right?"

"I never would have guessed" she said sarcastically

"Izzy will be fine you know what she's li- wow I still can't believe your the leader of this place" I said my voice still dripping with shock

She laughed again.

Izzy's P.O.V

"Are we still lost" Ryan asked motioning around at everything with his hand.

"Yep extremely so" I replied

"Ah" he said then shut up

We'd been wandering these silent halls for what seemed like hours now and I was pretty sure that by now we'd be in Melbourne. the silence was getting eerie and usually I loved silence but we hadn't seen another monster creature or living person forever and here I was trapped with a potential psychotic murder who had tried to kill me more than once. this was the last time I'd ever even try to help anybody ever again ever. A loud rumbling began and the walls began to shake, dust flew everywhere and large bits of the building started to crumble.

"Oh great an earthquake" I grumbled over the noise

"Uhhh not an earthquake" he said pointing at a stampede of huge creatures that resembled praying mantises with fur and three heads and huge human like feet.

"Oh shi-" but I never got to finish my sentence.

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