Chapter 7

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So far the last few days had been like a dream I hadn't really spoken much to anyone, though that wasn't really strange I was known for being quiet but one thing unnerved me as I sat on my swag watching the sun rise; I hadn't felt scared or nervous and I hadn't even considered the dangers of riding off with two boys I'd never met, it was like someone had just put a heavy blanket over my emotions and common sense dimming them. I felt more awake this morning though, it was 6:00am and Ekkia was already off someone with Bruiser. Sighing I walked over to the creek and slipped in, hissing as the beyond freezing water touched my skin. The creek was deep, surprisingly deep it came up past my waist in some places. Sucking in a huge breath of air I dived under already regretting going for a morning swim but at least It woke me up a bit. I crawled out of the creek cursing as the cool morning breeze made goose pimples appear on my skin, shivering I headed off in search of Ekkia and Bruiser. Leaves crackled under my feet and branches scratched me as I pushed my way through the bush and into the training area. Ekkia wasn't here which sent a shock of worry down my spine but I pushed it away, Ekkia could look after herself she'd be fine. A crack of a twig made me look up expecting to see Ekkia but instead I was met with someone tall wearing an evil clown mask.

"What the He-" I started to say but was cut off when he ran at me brandishing an axe. Fear pumped through my body making me freeze like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. 'Snap out of it!' I screamed to myself in my head, bolting just as he swung the axe which barely missed me. Panicking I search my pocket for my sword but realise I left it at camp.

"Crap, crap, crap" I hiss in anger hating myself for my stupidity. He swings again and I duck realising that if I don't want to die I better get out of here. I start to run in the opposite direction of the camp darting around trees and jumping over sticks and bushes in my way. A loud crashing sound tells me he's still following me, fear bubbles hot in my veins making me run faster. By now I'm just randomly dodging trees, I don't even know where the Hell I am. A hand grabs the back of my jacket causing me to tumble and fall, panic is making me lash out randomly and I know I have to calm down to actually have a chance to escape. I stop thrashing and just lay still concentrating on controlling my breathing. In, out, in, out I repeat this six times before my attacker comes into view. He grabs my hair causing sharp pain to shoot through my body.

"Got ya" the crazy man smiles revealing rotting teeth cracked and bent. I don't struggle just stare at him angrily not saying a word, not making a noise not even a whimper. Before he can say anything else I knee him in his groin which causes him to release me and curse. I give him more to curse about as I head but him in his face causing his nose to bleed. I can't help but smile as I bolt away towards the direction I came from. It's 7:12am by the time I actually reach camp and Ekkia's already there calmly eating pancakes.

"What in Gods name happened to you?" She asks. I must look a mess.

"Nothing I just went for a morning run" I lie easily. I have no idea why I just lied to my best friend but somehow I just can't bring myself to tell her about the crazy clown psycho. She shrugs and hands me a plate of warm pancakes which I drown with maple syrup and eat up quickly like I haven't seen food before. Then reluctantly I take another dip in the creek, change clothes and brush my hair. By the time I'm done its 9:00am. We will probably leave at 10:00am since it's probably an hours from here to the shed. I spend the next hour practicing my magic and fighting skills completely ignoring the outside world. Soon though Ekkia taps my shoulder letting me know its time to go, so I tie up Bruiser on the long piece of rope I'm using as a chain, making sure he can reach the creek and has enough dry food, then we set off.

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