Chapter 9

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It'd been a long day which we'd spent learning necromancy and practicing our fighting skills. We had to be picked up tomorrow at midday so we had to get a good nights sleep, not that I'd do much sleeping. Fletcher and Jackson dropped us off at our campsite at 6:15pm. Exhausted I collapsed onto my swag with Ekkia doing the same. I didn't mean to fall asleep but I did and boy did I sleep well only waking when Bruiser licked my check. I pried open my sleepy eyes to find the sun already up and the time on my watch reading 9:30am, we'd slept in. I shook Ekkia awake ignoring her groans of protest and frantically got ready. When she finally rose and got ready my watch read 10:30am and I frantically cooked breakfast which was scrambled eggs, swallowed that down and started packing up the camp with Ekkia helping. By the time we were finished it was 11:15am no way would we make it back in time. Suddenly the heavenly sound of motorbikes approached us and our two new friends arrived. Without saying a word we hopped on with all the gear and then I remembered Bruiser he defiantly wouldn't fit on the bikes. Seeing my dilemma Fletcher went off and came back within ten minutes with a quad bike.

"Where on Earth did you get that?" I asked him and he just shrugged.

"We've had the quad hidden for awhile" he replied and I sighed, lugged the gear on and sat next to him. I motioned for Bruiser to jump on which he did then we sped off. We made great time arriving only ten minutes late and without our parents even having had arrived. As soon as I got signals on my phone it beeped saying I had four missed messages two from Mum, one from Ryan and one from Unknown.

(dated yesterday)

Mum: 'hey got a surprise for you when you get home :) Xxx'

Ryan: 'hey how's it going. How does Tuesday sound to go to the movies just us two'

(Dated today)

Mum: 'will be a little late be there around 12:30-1:00'

Unknown: I know a secret you don't know :) hehehehe'

My heart froze at the last text the one from unknown but I ignored it and texted Ryan back.

Me: 'Hey Ryan, yeah I'm free tomorrow where and what time should we meet? Can't wait :)'

"Well we better go" Fletcher said as he and Jackson hopped onto the quads again and drove off. Mum arrived shortly after that, she asked us the usual questions like 'what did you do?' And 'Did you have fun?' We replied easily and in sync. As soon as mum dropped Ekkia off my phone beeped I unlocked it and saw it was from Ryan.

Ryan: 'Cool. Tomorrow 1:00 at Gawler cinema'

Me: 'I will c u 2morrow then'

"Mum could you drop me off tomorrow at 1:00pm at Gawler cinema" I asked kindly

"Sure" she replied

"So what's my surprise?" I smiled sweetly as we arrived at my house.

"Just wait" she said secretively which made me want to pull out my hair. As soon as I got inside I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Where's my bed" I asked pointing the space where my bed used to sit in the room I shared with my younger sister. Mum ushered me outside and into the big garden shed we had outside but now it wasn't a garden shed it was a bedroom. It had a lime green carpet, a double bed, T.V, bookshelf, closet, full length mirror on the door, an air-conditioner/heater and an old fashioned dressing table. The window had sky blue curtains, the biggest wall was painted lavender and the other walls were painted a sky blue.

"Wow" was all I said and I collapsed onto my new bed. My life was going great even with the attempt on my life.

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