Chapter 8

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Unknown P.O.V

I watch the girls leave, pathetic I think. I laugh insanely as I remember the fear on the smaller ones face as I chased her. My laughter soon becomes disgust as I remember the pain she caused me. Oh how I wish my boss would let me kill them, I really want to feel the weight of the axe as it chops them to pieces, blood oozing everywhere. I feel happy just thinking about it. From what I've observed they've learnt quickly, quicker than most and already they are showing good fighting skills. Too bad she forgot her sword, it's much more fun when my victims fight back. I have seen the hate in both of the girls eyes it is deep and malicious and uncontrollable. Yet they don't show it, in fact they seem quiet and shy. LIARS! I laugh again, I really am losing my mind and I like the new me. Oh how I wish they knew how close evil is to them everyday and when they find out will it tear them to pieces. I bloody well hope so, I want them to suffer, I want all of them to suffer. At this thought I laugh manically to myself and slink away dragging my beloved axe behind me.

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