Chapter 19

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I rolled, the creatures claws missing me by millimetres. I managed to stand and slowly backed away watching as it looked at me with eyes swirling with fury.

"Sorry" I smiled at it "I'm kind of looking for my friends and you kinda resemble one of them" it growled at me.

"oh but you're way prettier" I complimented it.

"Rat!" the call came from down the hallway and I turned to see Ryan running at the creature with a sword.

"Great" I muttered to myself watching as he sprinted down the hall and stabbed the creature in the heart before slicing off its head.

"And that is how its done young Padawan" he said

"Really?" I asked mockingly

"Well I wouldn't expect a fat rat like you to know these things" he replied

"I'm going to go find Ekkia" I said and started walking away only to be joined by Ryan. I opened my mouth to say something then stopped knowing that no matter what I said I was stuck with him. A shrill sharp scream broke my concentration, it sounded like a five year old girl but really close. I snapped my head around to look at Ryan and realised it was coming from him, embarrassment flooded through my veins.

"Oh my god" I whispered before yelling "Why are you screaming"

"Because of that" he shrieked pointing at a furless creature that stood on two feet and reminded me of Gollum.

"Now that is weird" I said almost laughing insanely due to the craziness of it all. It snarled revealing blackened teeth and I almost expected it to say 'my precious' and was slightly disappointed when it didn't. Ryan nudged my arm

"Izzy I didn't know you had a twin" he said smiling

"At least I have a brain" I hissed hitting him on the arm

"Oww" he whined and I couldn't help but smile.

"Ok" I said "now go deal with it"

"What? why me?" he said grumpily"

"Stop whinging" I snapped pushing him towards the creature.

"How will I know which ones you and which ones the creature?" he asked

"Shut up" I growled playfully giving him a kick

Before anyone could do anything, the creature lifted its head like it had heard something and bolted back the way it came. without exchanging a word we followed it.

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