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Azula raced up stairs with a tan towel wrapped around her shoulders that Zuko had grabbed minutes ago. Sokka got ahold of his friends walking them out the door, texting Zuko it was best for him to take his sisters side which Zuko completely understood.

Mai started to push people out the door because she knew it was best to calm Azula down if it was just herself with her friends. The house wasn't a mess but Mai decided to wait until after dealing with her friend to complain. Walking up the stairs with Tylee by her side they lightly knocked on the bathroom door inside Mai's room. "Well?" Mai asked but Tylee just slummed down on the edge of Mai's bed.

When Mai went to shut the bedroom door she heard Zuko cleaning up whatever he could which made Mai feel better about one thing. The girls waited for Azula to come out of the bathroom from her hour shower. Mai pulled out some extra clothes for Azula to switch into because her party outfit was soaked. The bathroom door slowly opened and Azula tied her hair in a tight bun crawling into the bed with Tylee, laying back on a group of comfortable pillows. Mai joined seconds later.

The two were shocked that Azula wasn't screaming or tossing things around the room. She looked tired, staring into nothing. "It's out." The girls were waiting for Azula to finish. "I'm out." Mai looked down at her nails, letting Azula vent. She wasn't sure what Tylee was going to say because she was apart of the video too.

"What are people going to think? Are they going to be less scared of us? Maybe use this against me? That's what I usually do... why wouldn't they?" Azula rested her left hand on the left side of her face, taking a deep sigh.

Mai glanced over at her other friend and realized she had a different look on her face then before. She looked annoyed.

"You know Azula, I was apart of that video too. I mean why would anyone want to use this against us? That's just- horrible. You're overthinking this." And that was the sentence that set her off.

"Overthinking, Tylee? At least I think at all!" TyLee leaned back at Azula raising her voice. "You don't get it! Not only is the school going to know about that stupid fight but see that video and talk about it forever! This was a win for Katara! And who knows? Word will eventually go around to the teachers thinking it's some fucking bullying and a- a controversial situation! Next thing you know they call my parents and now I'll have to defend my self against my father! I mean.. FUCK! Fuck this and everything and- and everyone. I don't need this!"

And there it was. Mai knew she was to calm after this. "That bitch pulled me under with her in the pool, scratched me-" she was cut off.

"Oh Jesus Azula! Cut it out! I don't understand why you feel the need to pull Katara down! The only reason she's 'mean' to you is because you're mean to her! For no reason! I mean you say you don't hate her but god forbid she looks at you the wrong way and you love to walk over and start something! It's bullshit!" TyLee climbed off the bed and started walking back and forth still ranting.

"The only reason you think people will use that against you is because you're insecure! The fact is that you're a lesbian-" Azula spoke up.

"I would never use someone's liking of girls or guys against them?" She tried defending herself, even though minutes ago she said it was true; she would use their weakness against them. But not to this length.

"Exactly! So why would they? Why are you so scared about them knowing? Let them know! It's better for us don't you get that? We get to be happy, we get to be together! Don't you want that?" Azula looked down. She didn't respond to Tylee. TyLee slightly opened her mouth in shock, tears filling her eyes. She grabbed her coat and ran out the door. "Whatever Azula!"

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