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It was getting colder and colder by the day and the snow kept falling down from the sky. Azula sat on her couch looking at her phone waiting for a text from her girlfriend. Yes girlfriend. The reason Azula didn't change Ty Lee's contact name to "gf" with a million heart emojis is she didn't want to risk Zuko or her parents glancing at her phone one day and see that there is a text from gf and start asking questions. She just wasn't exactly ready.

Azula looked out the living room window and saw many children play in the thick, white snow and throwing it around and making snowmen. Finally her phone went off but instead it was a text from Mai. The girls were planning to sleep over at Azulas house while Zuko would stay the night over at Sokkas place.

Mai- Are you still on for tonight??
Azula- yeah just waiting for a text from Ty Lee to see if she'll make it...
Mai- btw what's going on between you two? 🤔

Azula covered her face and sighed, hesitating to text back

Azula- I mean... If I tell you mai you CANNOT tell Zuko or anybody ok?? Sooner or later I'll be ready to tell others

Azula continued to type

Azula- a while ago I was at her place watching a movie and things...happened. We kissed and all that

Mai- damn girl... what'd you do next

Azula- I left in the morning and didn't see her until later

Mai- what the hell azula! You just left in the morning!! What's wrong with you!?

Azula scoffed at her friends comment. Typing back once more

Azula- look that's all that happened and I feel like an idiot for leaving like that but everything is okay now. We're dating and I'm actually comfortable with her. Just how you feel with Zuko ya know?

Mai- yes yes I know it's true love or whatever you wanna call it.

Azula- whatever I'm sure Ty Lee will rant to you all about eventually.

Before TyLee would come over Mai and her made plans to go to the mall and pick up Ty Lee's gift. The heels she wanted. The girls pulled up and started walking throughout the mall waiting to pick up the heels that have been on hold for a while. Azula came up with all the money she needed for these expensive heels but it was worth it. As the girls were leaving the store with the hand in Azulas hand Mai noticed Ty Lee shopping herself. "12 o'clock" Azula turned her head and saw Ty Lee shopping. "Oh hell..." the girls hid behind a booth and sighed. "What's she doing here?" Azula asked. "I think she's Christmas shopping. She can't see you with her gift, she'll know what it is!"

Azula grabbed Mai's wrist and speed walked the opposite way out the mall so they could get home and start wrapping her gift.
At home Mai and Azula grabbed some beautiful wrapping paper that was red and had sparkles on it. Mai helped Azula wrap the gift, put a tag on and the huge bow right on top. "So...what'd you get Zuzu?" Azula smirked.
"I'm not telling. You might tell him." Azula laughed. "Oh please I love seeing Zuko guess and guess what he's getting." Mai nodded. "I was planning on getting him some Gucci slides. I saw him eyeballing them when we went out on a date the other night." Azula nodded and smiled. "Good gift he'll love it."

Once it hit 3 o'clock Mai received a text from Ty Lee saying she'll be on her way for the sleepover so Mai told Azula. The two girls just sat comfortably on the couch making jokes and watching How the Grinch stole Christmas, then the doorbell rang. Azula jumped up and opened the door giving a small kiss on the cheek to Ty Lee. She smiled at Azula and shut the door behind her. "Hey Mai!" Mai waved, still keeping focus on the movie. Azula pulled Ty Lee aside in the kitchen, planning on telling her what happened earlier.

"What's wrong?" Ty Lee asked. "I sorta told Mai about us." Ty Lee raised her eyebrows in shock. "WHAT" Azula shushed her girlfriend and mumbled to herself. "I'm sorry but I really felt like she needed to know. Mai had an idea something was going on between us anyway." Ty Lee started playing with her braid because she was so anxious. "It's okay though... I mean maybe she won't say anything to you about it?" Azula reassured Ty Lee and together they walked back to the couch and sat in silence until Mai said something. "So Ty Lee... how's it like dating Azula?" Once she mentioned this Ty Lee was drinking some water and nearly spit it out as Azula just covered her face with a small pillow. Mai smirked a little.

"Oh god.. uh it's.. good?" Mai just scoffs. "It's cool you don't have to say anything. Azula and Ty Lee shared a look of confusion because Mai was so calm about the topic.

Later in the night the girls binged watch classic holiday movies, did some face masks, had fun posting on Snapchat and baking cookies. It became late at night and Ty Lee broke the silence with a comment. "We should have a Christmas party. Invite people from school and just have a good time." Mai laughed. "A boring party?" Mai added. "Mai you know your parties are fucking amazing." Azula commented. Mai smiled. "Sounds like a plan to me. When should we have it?" The girls thought for a while until Azula said a date. "How about the 22nd? It's on a Friday and not to far away from Christmas. It's just like any other crazy high school party of yours Mai but the 'Christmas Edition'" the girls laughed. "Alright alright well we need to go shopping for supplies later this week and you two are coming." Mai said firmly. "Got it girl." Finally all of them went to bed and Ty Lee cuddled up against Azula and had a good night sleep.

Hey guys! I know it's been a while but I'm on winter break now so I'll be posting a little more in these next two weeks or more. Anyway I'm sorta loosing inspiration for the story but I really wanna finish it so I'll promise to do so!! Anyway I'll fix and mistakes later, leave a comment of what you guys think so far and have a good holiday!! - A

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