Chapter 14

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"So you are a Natblida?" The commander asks me. I am about to reply when I remembered what Lincoln had said to me earlier. About how I need to act like I don't know trigedasleng.
"Natblida? I don't understand." I say playing dumb.
"A nightblood." The commander says. I fake anothe confused look.
"You have black blood." The guard interrupts.
"Yes." I say.
"Follow me then." The commander says, "I will take you to the other initiates."
I say goodbye to Lincoln and the commander takes me into the tower.
"My name is Lexa." She says, "I was about your age when the scouts brought me to Polis. Are you nervous?"
"A little bit."
"I was too." Lexa says. We are quiet for a while as we walk up the seemingly endless spiral staircase, but suddenly she breaks the silence,"I'll give you a little tip. I don't usually do this but you remind me of you when I first arrived for training."
"What is it?" I ask
"Don't get too close to the other initiates. It makes the conclave so much harder."
"The conclave?" I ask, but this time I am not pretending. I truly am confused.
"When it comes time for my spirit to choose a new commander, all of the initiates will fight in a fight to the death until only one remains. The last one standing becomes the next Heda."
A fight to the death? Nobody ever told me about that. Why would they though? It was never planned for me to be found out and sent to the fleimkepas. It was never planned for me to become the commander.
"Thank you for the advice. I will keep it in mind."
She smiles at me. Finally we reach our destination. We walk through a doorway and into a room with rows and rows of beds. Only about 20 are occupied. There is a fleimkepa standing over one of the beds making it. Lexa directs me in that direction. Standing next to the bed is a bald man with a ring of tattoos around his head, "that is your bed." She says, "Titus is just finishing it up. There is a change of clothes. Get changes and meet one of my attendants outside of the door. They shall take you to training." And with that, Lexa is gone. I walk over to the bed and the bald man nods my way before walking off. I grab the change of clothes and look them over. There is a pair of black leather pants and a thick black sweater. On the floor by the end of the bed is a new pair of black boots and just over the top of them you can see a thin line of fur. I change and walk outside where a woman is waiting for me.
"Training is this way." She says walking off. I follow her, not knowing at all what to expect.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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