Chapter 3

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Lincoln lives in a cave in the middle of the woods. It's a cozy little place but pretty empty. I sit on the floor and he sits across from me.
"so Mya. What are you running from?"
"My mom was taken by the Mountain Men."
"Oh.... I'm so sorry. How old are you?"
"seven teen." I reply
"You are fine then. There are plenty of 17 year olds that live on their own–"
"Lincoln." I say interrupting him, " I can't do that. Technically, I don't exist."
Lincoln Looks at me with a confused look, "I don't understand."
I take my knife out of my belt and press it into my palm. My black blood pours through. Lincoln looks at it and understands. "I am a natblida who does not want to be heda, but because of my blood, If the scouts find me, what i want will not matter. I have been living under the floor for 17 years."
"I know exactly how you feel" A voice says behind me. I turn around to see a girl, About my age walk around the corner. She is clearly not one of us, I can tell his from the cropped magenta tank she has on.
"Who are you?" I say.
"My name is Octavia."
"why is she here?" I say to lincoln, " people can't know about me!"
"Octavia is alright Mya." Lincoln says as he places a kiss on octavia's Lips.
"where are you from. You sure are not one of us." I ask octavia.
"I'm Skaikru. I'm from space."
"Woah." I say
"Hey Octavia." Lincoln says, "Can I talk to you outside?"
They leave. Leaving me alone in the cave.

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