Chapter 5

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Mya's POV

Lincoln comes back into the cave and sits down across from me.
"I have a place for you to stay." he says. I look up.
"really? where?"
"you are going to go and live with Skaikru, but first we need to come up with a story."
"What do you mean", I ask
" Well, the sky people all came from this place called the Ark, but the thing is, they were sent down because they were prisoners."
"Oh!" I say as my dark gray eyes widen understandingly," So i have to some up with a crime."
"Yes." Lincoln says.
" so how about stealing something, Is that good?"
"that sounds fine. You have to run it past Octavia but–"
"I'm back!!!" Octavia says as she enters. "Put these on." She throws some clothes at me. I do. She gave me a tank top, a long sleeve tee shirt, a pair of skinny green jeans, a maroon bomber type jacket and a pair of brown boots. "now," octavia says, "we need to fix you hair." and the. she begins i braid my long dark locks. When she is done she pulls it into a ponytail and stands up and looks me over. "you look amazing."
"thank you." I reply.
"On wait. I forgot one last thing." She pulls a knife out of her belt and rolls up her sleeves. I can now see the silver cuff that is clasped around her wrist. She hands the knife to lincoln and points to the band. Lincoln sticks the knife into the clasp and the band releases and falls to the ground. Octavia picks it up and walks over to lincolns shelf where she picks up a bottle and rinses off the bracelet with the liquid inside. She threw walks over to me. "they gave these to us on the ark. Something to do with monitoring our vitals. Some people took theirs off but a lot of us still have them on. it will just finish it off. Make you look just like us. There's a little needle in it, that's why i poured alcohol on it, so i could sterilize it. There will be a little prick but not too bad." She puts it around my wrist and it clicks. I wince in pain. I go to pick up my sword but Octavia stops me. "That's a grounder weapon. Take this." she hands me a piece of metal that had been sharpened to a blade. "we made it from the ship."

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