After that, everything was black.


When he finally awoke, the first thing Keith felt was a wet tongue all over his face. He cringed at first, sitting up to see Kosmo over him.

After his eyes were fully open, Keith immediately recognized where he was. The fancy canopy above the red and gold bedspread, and the size of the room alone were indicators of where he'd been brought.

" Not again." He muttered, leaning back into the pillows and petting his larger than life dog.

How many times did he have to say it? Keith wanted out of this kind of life, he didn't want anything to do with it.

It didn't seem like Shiro could respect that.

It actually infuriated Keith. His brother was always dreaming up ways to get him to come back.

He got out of bed, going for the door of the very large room. His old bedroom was bigger than his entire apartment, but he still didn't like it.

Keith pushed the door open.

" Shiro, I swear to fucking God!" He called into the very vast area. The mansion was huge, and Keith couldn't stand it. " Take me home right now!"

He stomped around the hallway, and Kosmo was trailing in his path.

" Keith?" Shiro said, now visible at the bottom of the grand staircase.

" What the actual fuck?!" Keith seethed, thumping down the extensive steps. There was pretty much steam blowing from his ears as he threw his temper tantrum. " Did you kidnap me?!"

" I swear, I can explain everything." The older brother said, raising his hands in a non-combative way.

" What?! Explain how you crawled in through my balcony and gassed me?! How the fuck can you rationally explain that?! If you wanted to visit me that bad you could've called and come over!" Keith ranted.

" It's not that-"

" It's not what?! YOU ABDUCTED ME!" Keith yelled, and his face was tinted slightly red from how livid he was.

" Can you please stop yelling? This was the only way I could get you over here." Shiro put a hand on his brother's shoulder. And Keith didn't waste any time before swatting it off.

" Shiro, I love you and everything! But this is insane!" Keith exclaimed.

Shiro exhaled in a peeved way.

" There was a hit on you!" He abruptly blurted. " You'd be dead right now if we hadn't gotten you!"

Keith seemed frozen for a moment.

" What...?" The little brother folded his arms.

He'd made it out of this place; why the hell would he still be a target of theirs?

" Well, Keith's back." Someone else emerged from downstairs.

" Pidge. Hey." Keith greeted, actually a little happy to see her. " Now does someone wanna explain what the hell is happening?"

" Listen." Shiro sighed. " Lotor and his... people... have been coming after us a lot lately. And since we've been tightening security, they're targeting our vulnerable spots."

" Are you calling me weak?" Keith asked with narrowed eyes.

" No. You're my brother. They know I have a soft spot for you." Shiro explained. " Pidge managed to hack into their security cameras and catch them planning out how they were going to kill you." He was very disheartened while speaking.

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