The engine sputtered alive as I turned the key in the ignition. Even though I attended school in Turlock, I lived in Modesto so going to and from the two cities was an easy trip. With the windows rolled down, I ignored the cold air that batted against my face as I drove through the parking lot.

        Cranking up the radio, my head bobbed with the music and I began singing obnoxiously loud. Once I got onto the highway, I kicked up my speed and found myself grinning at the strong sound that my car was producing.

        A black object caught my eye in the rear view mirror, and I looked back to see that I was being tailgated by an extremely intimidating truck.

        The blacked out 2013 chevy silverado at least had an 6 inch lift on it or something because it looked like it was about to drive over my car any second now. If this guy was in such a rush, then why doesn't he just go around me? After all I was in the lane farthest to the right for slower moving cars despite the fact that I was pushing 70.

        Due to the windows being tinted I couldn't even see who was driving. I began to pick up my speed only to have him keep up with me. Instead of picking up my speed even more, I began to slowly decrease it until I was going 60.

        "Oh my freaking lord! Go the fuck around me!" My hands flew up in frustration and I glared at the truck in my rear view mirror. I had even occasionally switched on my blinker to tell him to go around me, but he absolutely refused to go around me.

        Glaring, I looked over my shoulder and then quickly moved into the farthest left lane and picked my speed back up. I was relieved once I saw a regular car behind me and the truck was still in the lane where I had left it.

        "Take that, bitch!" I exclaimed, cranking up the radio even more. Okay, I'll be the first to admit that my vocabulary isn't the most lady like.

        My thoughts began to drift to what had happened just a month ago. I hadn't always been such a prude when it came to love. In fact, I had originally fallen so hard for this guy, Dawn, until I discovered something that brought me down from my high of being so in love with him. It was one night at a party when I saw Dawn begin to force himself onto Ruby, who was too drunk to realize what was happening.

        It felt as though someone had poured a bucket of ice water onto me and the next second I found myself punching him in the face. Even though I wasn't the most affectionate nor perfect person, I still made an effort when it came to relationships. But after I had decked him in the face, he had told me that I was a bitch for making him wait to have sex with me. Then after that he proceeded to tell me that I was going to die alone with 50 cats.

        Adorable, right?

        A sudden honk broke me from my thoughts and I looked up but frowned once I saw nothing in front of me. Glancing into my rear view mirror, I gaped in horror.

        The freaking truck had cut off the car that was behind me and now he was speeding up towards the back of my car. Once again, I found myself being tailgated by this monstrosity of a vehicle.

        My hand sprung out of the window and I promptly flipped him off while I switched lanes. It was a close cut, but the car that I had cut in front of backed off enough to let me into the tightly compacted center lane. There was no way that that truck was going to be able to get in here even unless he wanted to wreck.

        The familiar exit sign flew past me, so I swiftly moved over into the other lane and onto the exit ramp. To my relief, the truck continued on the highway which meant that he was probably a very angry guy and liked to terrify young, college girls that drive alone. My stomach rumbled and I immediately made a sharp right at the nearest stop light and began driving towards the nearest Taco Bell.



This is my first ever werewolf book! I've been really wanting to write one so here it is. Also, there will always be a song for each chapter and in this case it's Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects.

I also wanted to mention that the towns are ones that DO in fact exist! They are in California and I live nearby them so I thought it'd be best if I set this story in a place that I'm familiar with.

The cast has been set and I'm not sure if I'll add more characters or not.

The characters are copy right me and if you take them or steal my story I will cut off your balls!

Thank you for reading and enjoy the next chapter!(:


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