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Marco heard a knock on his door as he was packing away the last of his clothes.
"Marco! Open up!" He heard Ferguson's booming voice outside.
Marco sighed and headed over to the door, opening it slowly and peering out.
"Hey Marco!" Ferguson and Alfonzo were standing outside.
Ferguson and Alfonzo were his other best friends, he had known them for his entire life, considering their parents were all best friends aswell.
"Long time no see." Marco smiled at them and let them inside.
"Where's your roommate?" Alfonzo said as he looked around the room.
"Don't have one, or they are just very late."
"That's cool, me and Alfonzo are roommates, we asked the reception if we could be in the same room, and they actually let us!"
"That's pretty lucky, I'm surprised they actually let you, and what about me?" Marco pretended to actually care.
"Sorry, we thought you would've gone in one with Jackie..."
"But Jackie's a girl, they don't allow that!" Marco's eyes widened.
"The school don't really stick to the boys and girls dorm thing, but usually they put the same gender in a room...For... obvious reasons..." Ferguson snickered childishly.
Alfonzo laughed, "I doubt it would work though, Marco has a good point."
The three sat and chatted in Marco's surprisingly clean room, until Alfonzo decided it would be a good idea to look around and gain their bearings of their new surroundings.


"Good seeing you guys," Marco waved at the pair as they dropped him off at his room and went to their own room.
"You too Marco!" They waved at him and he shut the door behind him, still no roommate...
He checked the time, it was 6:30pm. God, today went fast.
He yawned loudly and slumped on his bed, getting up at 4am to drive for 3 hours is not pretty....
He lay down and let sleep take over his entire body.


Marco woke up to the sound of post coming through his door, whoever was delivering it, clearly wasn't going to be quiet about it, so he got up to what it said.

Greetings Marco Diaz, and welcome to the Echo Creek University!

We have been informed that this is your first full day here, and are happy to hear that you will be staying with us.

Anyway, today at 10:30 am we will have a meeting with some of your classmates so we can discuss your timetable and other arrangements in the university. I hope, as the head of your university, you have a great time with us...

- Mr Gladwell

"Wow," Marco said aloud as he read the letter, he realised he was going to be meeting his new classmates for the first time today.
"I'm too anti- social for this," Marco whispered as he put the letter untidily back into the envelope and left it on his desk.


"I'm so glad you could join us, Diaz, take a seat,"  Mr Gladwell beckoned Marco to take a seat next to a short-haired girl.
She smiled sweetly at him as he zipped up his red hoodie, he smiled back awkwardly and faced the front.
"Let's start, as I said in your letter, I'm glad to have you all at my university, and I hope you will enjoy your time with us..."
He paused and took a look a good look at his brand new students.
"I'm here to go over some rules and give you your timetables..."


Marco took his timetable from one of the teachers outside the hall doors and went back to his room, it was Sunday, proper classes started tomorrow, and he was not happy about getting up at 7am to be at his first class by 8am...
"Hey! Marco!" He heard Mr Gladwell's voice behind him, Marco turned it face the noise and saw him attempting to catch up.
"Sorry, I heard your the boy with no roommate. Am I right?"
Marco nodded.
"Great, listen, your roommate is from another country, and is joining a little late for personal issues... So please can you do me a huge favour, and explain what I have told you to your new roommate, please." He looked very hopeful.
"I'd be happy to, does he have a timetable, you'd like me to give him?" Marco smiled, and tried to speak sincerely to win over his teacher.
"Oh! Right! Here..." He shuffled roughly in his bag and handed Marco a sheet of yellow paper, "thanks, Marco, I'll see you later."
And with that, Mr Gladwell left Marco to fend for himself.

~Marco's POV~

I arrived back to my dorm and hurried inside, moving my school bag off my bed so I could sit down comfortably.
I looked at the piece of paper Mr Gladwell had given me, while hoping I had classes with my at least one of my friends.
My name was written at the top in small printed writing, I checked over and made sure I knew where everything was, using the map I had been kindly given.
I thought about looking over my roommates schedule, to see if I had classes with him, but thought it was a little nosy and left it in the draw along with the map by his bed.
I checked my phone, I had a missed call from Jackie, and she had messaged me.

Jackie- Hey, Marco, me, Ferguson and Alfonzo are meeting up in the cafeteria for lunch at 12:30, you coming?

Me- Sounds good, Jackie thanks for letting me know. :)

Jackie- You're welcome, see you there, safe kid!

Me- Don't call me that, that name is so old -.-

Jackie- Lighten up a bit Marco! Your in uni now!

Me- I still hold grudges against you for coming up with that...

Jackie- Of course you do, I have to go for my meeting, see you later.

I turned of my phone, one thing was certain, if Jackie was having her meeting now, there was a pretty good chance that she wasn't in any of my classes, but I still had two other chances...



Thanks for reading the first chapter in my story, I know this was pretty long, and I'm sorry if it caused inconvenience, but I hope it was enjoyable. Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter, I'm not sure when it will be out, I'm currently writing and editing whenever I can...

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