Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Xbox & Ice Bonding

"Alex wake up."

"Rise and shine."

"You guys that's not how you wake her up. I lived with her for years I should know."

Suddenly a weight jumped on me and I groaned at the impact. Matt started screaming at me while bouncing and I rolled over, pushing him off while mumbling, "you must have a death wish."

He only snickered and jumped on it again, this time standing and jumping. He didn't stop until I sat up with a yawn. "What time is it?"


I gasped when I saw Shawn and Carter sitting next to the bed. I dove back down, covering my face with the blankets. "Don't look at me!"

"Why not?"

"Because I just woke up and I look like shit."

"Don't worry sis, you always do." Matt said with a snicker. I aimed towards the direction the voice came from and kicked hearing him yelp and a thump from him falling. "Hey, I was kidding!"

I rolled over with the blanket still over me and said, "I'm not getting up until they leave."

After a few more minutes of complaining the three left to go see if the others were up. I grabbed my outfit for the day and quickly showered and got dressed. I wore black shorts and a white muscle tee with a black lighting bolt on it along with gladiator sandals. I straightened my hair and put on simple make up, eyeliner and mascara.

Once I had finished all the guys were in my room, messing around as usual. They had a show tonight but they didn't need to be there until 4 and it was only noon.

I sat down on the bed next to Cameron snatching his Xbox remote and placed my feet on Jack J as I took over the game for him. The next half an hour was full of Cameron and I eating chips, continuously shooting Nash and killing him, and me yelling at Taylor for camping in the building. Hanging with these guys was a lot more fun than I thought. They're all really nice and Hayes and I are pretty much best friends now.

Once I had enough of playing I stood and walked past Matt smacking his butt before heading to the tiny kitchen area. I went to get a glass of water and groaned when I saw we were out of ice. I grabbed the bucket and turned to the group, "who wants to come with me to get ice?"

"Me!" Carter yelled, springing to his feet. He went to walk towards me when Shawn grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"No, I'll go."

"No, I said it first."

"I'm going, Carter."

"No, I am."

"No, I am!"

"Okay!" Aaron yelled gaining their attention. "Shawn you still have to pick your songs for tonight anyways so Carter gets to go."

Carter gave him a cocky smirk and I rolled my eyes at their immaturity, walking out the door with Carter behind me. We walked silently down the hall for a few minutes before I asked, "why do you want to go anyways? It's not like you even like me."

It came out harsher than planned and I curse myself for even bringing it up. Carter was silent for a few seconds and in my head I chanted, "stupid, stupid, stupid," until he finally spoke up.

"Who says I don't like you?"

"Um the fact that you make fun of me and purposely get on my nerves, which is very rare may I add. You sure do have a talent at being obnoxious."

"I'll take that as a compliment." We stopped at the ice machine and as I filled the bucket he spoke over the noise, "and I do like you. You're fun to be around and as for the times when you're not around, I wouldn't mind it if you were."

And my heart practically fluttered.

<^_^< >^_^>

There may be some mistakes, I didn't really edit this.

Cartex yay! Vote and comment please ^_^

And if anyone can tell me what the line "As for the times when you're not around, I wouldn't mind it if you were" is from I will love you forever. I don't think anyone will though.

Oke, byee.

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