My ex Lover's Brother

Start from the beginning

Yes I still want the cure, I think, but I'm sure I can survive as a vampire without it. Having Damon by my side makes being a vampire seem a lot less awful. With him, I think I might be able to endure eternity.

So this diary entry is a little different. I suspect it might be my last as I'll never have any reason to fantasize over Damon again. Especially not when I can have the real thing, and even more to the point that the dreams are a cheap comparison. I guess they might happen if we're apart and I'm missing him. But other than that I can't think of any reason why I'd dream about him.

The sex was incredible. He blew my mind and body away.

I wonder, if the cure is real and we do find it, whether Damon would ever consider taking it. He loves being a vampire. Does he love me enough yet to give it all up for a shot of a normal human life with family and children? I suspect right now the answer would be no. He's not ready to give it all up. Although, something makes me think one day he will.


....The previous night

Elena knocked on the front door of the boarding house, her arms filled with luggage. Although she usually walked straight in, Elena felt it would be more polite to be invited in, even if only for Stefan's benefit. Damon knew she was going to be staying a few nights until they'd worked out how to stop Jeremy from trying to kill her, but she wasn't sure whether Stefan was going to be as agreeable to the new living arrangements. There was also the added issue of Elena's relationship with Damon. They hadn't discussed how they were going to progress, but it was clear their platonic friendship would soon develop into something more. However, when that would happen was questionable. If Elena was to be living under the same roof as Stefan, there was no way she and Damon could engage in any form of relationship so soon. At least not while Stefan was living there. The only other option would be to sneak around for a while. The situation wasn't ideal, but Elena and Damon had waited long enough, and she wasn't sure she could manage another few days without following her heart.

Damon opened the front door and Elena walk inside as Stefan emerged from the parlor, watching her.

"I can't stay at home anymore." Elena explained for Stefan's benefit.

Stefan nodded in understanding of the situation, which if truth be told, he'd been primarily responsible for. "Pick a room." he swallowed uncomfortably. "I'll crash somewhere else." he added, his voice gravelly as he walked out of the house.

Surprised by his reaction, Elena and Damon watch him leave. Admittedly Elena was glad he wasn't going to be there. She and Damon needed to talk about where they stood now Stefan was out of the picture. Although her entering a relationship with him, now seemed like a forgone conclusion. Especially from the way Damon had reacted to the news as to why she and Stefan had split up earlier at the pageant. Although Elena was confident she and Damon had some kind of future together, up until Stefan leaving, the when part had been a little murkier.

Once Stefan had gone, Damon closed the door as Elena left her luggage in the hallway to collect later. She followed Damon into the parlor and sat down on one of the couches near the fireplace, while Damon headed over to the wet bar to pour them both a glass of whiskey. When he'd finished, he walked over to her and handed her one of the glasses and sat down next to her.

Elena smiled shyly. "Thanks." she said taking a sip from the glass.

Damon narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously. "I was being polite." he joked, sitting down next to her. "I thought you hated whiskey."

"My brother wants to kill me!" Elena reminded him.

"Welcome to the club." Damon smiled, holding his glass in the air, which she clinked with hers, in a mock toast of mutual understanding of murderous brothers before they both took a sip of whiskey.

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